Give us an alert on the main menu anytime there is an update for content we’ve purchased through the Marketplace ( or SDK updates ).
Don’t make us go into Profile > Content Manager every time to look and see if there are any updates.
( I really don’t need to see an alert after I’ve clicked ‘download’ or that it’s finished - as I initiated the process and am probably watching the download to make sure it doesn’t hang - but it’s annoying to manually check for updates )
I wish the visibility of topics we can vote on was better. This topic is almost a year old, and while I spend a LOT of time on these forums, this is the first time I’ve ever seen this post.
the only reason I look at the dev updates email/post is to check for product updates, so I don’t have to constant check Content Manager. ( Also, why under profile and not under marketplace? )
I have spent a lot of time tagging posts in Wishlist with tags such as #content-manager to allow for visibility of all ideas across various topics. You may wish to browse Wishlist using those tags. Unfortunately, most people don’t use tags when they post, making this a very manual process.
I will be closing this topic, since this item was delivered.