Yes the TDS GTNxi 750 can perform holds. It is based on the Garmin Trainer and fuctions like the real world GTNXi.
Did you press APPR on the autopilot to arm the approach mode? I know it works fine for ILS. I haven’t tried LPV.
I very love this setup (GTN750 and my lovely old kns80 ! ) Glad to be in this week end ! I didn’t had that much time to enjoy it yet
I m very happy with this bird, love those nice textures, I m not disapointed at all ! I will try now to find the usual BS’s easter eggs !
edit (I guess I found 2 differents so far )
So is it safe to say that I should be using “BETA” to taxi instead of LO IDLE??
There are defenitely versions with the gauges like the black square one.
So there seem to be indeed different layouts.
You would use Lo idle.
Edit: I stand corrected
Yes. According to POH you set High Idle right away after Engine Start, before turning on all electrical equipment. And then Taxi using Beta Range, give a little power and when you have the desired taxi Speed, pull back a little. But dont use Reverse for Taxi anymore. Since you now can maintain easily a low taxi speed, brake as with any other aircraft.
Not in the TBM 850.
I made a short video as proof, that the TBM850 isn´t floating endlessly or has endless glide energy. For the landings - approach with 80 KIAS if your light or 85 KIAS if your heavy and pull back the Throttle to idle way before reaching the threshhold (up to 5 seconds, depending on how steep you come in) - that is how they seem to do it in Real Life according to the videos I watched.
That doesn´t mean, there are no things to tweak in the flight model of the TBM850.
And regading trying to make a complete own flight model like A2A or Fenix - this cannot be expected from any developer. If one does it, fine, if not - also fine. If you use such external flight modeling then you exclude yourself from the marketplace and xbox. And the default flight modeling in the Sim is decent by now. The only thing that still is way off - is the default turboprop simulation (TQ, ITT, NG). But BKSQ uses a lot of own code for these now.
That’s what i’ve been doing. It instantly reminded me of the Vision Jet but the 850 certainly does not float as much as the excessive festival in the Vision Jet.
Thanks for clarifying
The most common configuration for this airplane is actually a G1000 stack so yeah there are differences. The POH I have is for a G100 model.
I will note the POH says to maintain a minimum of 10% torque “until landing is assured” however you want to interpret that
I installed the WTT package and now the plane won’t exceed 2000 ft/min in VS mode in the climb, no matter what vertical speed I select. 2000 ft/min isn’t steep enough to maintain 130 knots at climb power, so I can’t use VS mode to bring the speed back to 130 before switching to IAS mode; I have to either fly it manually to get it on speed, pull the power back, or keep it in VS mode at 2000 ft/min until I climb high enough for the speed to decay back to 130.
Any idea what that’s about? I seem to remember having the exact same issue in the BS analog Caravan, and I was also using the WTT pack on that one.
Edit: Interestingly, it will allow more than 2000 ft/min in the descent, just not in the climb. Is this some kind of safety feature to help prevent the pilot from stalling the plane during climb?
Where is the Problem? In Idle you have around 10-12% TQ. You see it in the Video - 12% until Touchdown.
Thanks for the video but I think it highlights the problem more than showing it is not a problem.
You are at about 100ft AGL and 80kts when you cut power, I would like the feedback of real life TBM pilots on this because on that configuration you are flying a brick, the plane should come down and not in the nice easy way you show in the video.
I think you refer to the Stiveo vids when you say this is what it is done irl but then he is usually landing at a much much higher speed 100-105kts and I think flaps in TO position, probably to merge better with the airliners traffic, then he cuts power and lands in the similar way you do but he is about 20kts above your speed so the plane still has energy to land.
Your technique is probably not only not realistic but actually dangerous, in a crosswind if you need to correct the plane might drop the wing at those speeds with power cut.
The key -I think- is that the unfeathered propeller of the TBM is a massive speedbrake and that is not modeled and I’m not blaming the devs here, I imagine it is really hard to model that behavior.
Anyway I’m not a TBM pilot so just take it as another simmer view of the flight model, I would love to get the real feedback from pilots to help the devs tune the plane as much as possible to the real life one.
Thanks for the camera help. It saved me a bunch of time. The camera.cfg file from the TBM930 works also and you get of the MS/Asobo enhancements.
After copying over the TBM930 camera.cfg file I made this change for my height adjustment.
;InitialXyz = 0.05, 0.12, -1.07
;InitialPbh = 0, 0, 0
;modified my height
InitialXyz= 0.05, 0.14, -1.07
InitialPbh= -0.001147, 0.034315, -0.000014
The G1000 models were introduced later. 2008 I think. Prior to that it was as you see it.
I believe the G1000 models are much more common
This how they do it in a lot of landing vids have. I bought the 5h tbm850 video from simmarket. I am not saying it is 100% perfect but it looks like in the vids. I takes a few seconds for the power to the reduce after throttle movement. In the lower range there is a lag between throttle and power in either direction. One could maybe increase the drag and decrease the lift of the full flaps a tiny bit, but not much, but the behaviour at approach / landing is not so unrealistic as some say in my opinion.
The Problem is: without input of a real tbm850 pilot, we are just ending up in an endless discussion, where everyone stands on his point until the end^^.
And nearly no aircraft is perfect at release. Even the A2A comanche got a patch some days after release already.
Kind Regards