[MAJOR UPDATE][V 1.2] Black Square TBM 850

Flattery will usually get you far. Usually😀

I’ll give it some thought, but it really isn’t so simple as I’ve found out for myself. Which has made me both cautious and respectful to the Devs who build these aircraft.

Fair enough :slight_smile:

On other news I’ve been hearing a possible October 5th release date though nothing official. Would be awesome if so.

I was very disappointed to learn the TBM will be released without a working beta range and with fixed beta and reverse positions instead.

For a simulation where you are making videos about the CRTs taking time to lit up depending on outside temperature not correctly modeling the thrust and braking system is quite a huge omission. It is the most basic system in the whole plane after the flight control surfaces.

Without a beta range taxiing the TBM is going to be either too fast in flight idle or too slow in the fixed beta positon (ground idle) that I assume will be the zero thrust vector, so you either keep shifting between these positions or use the brakes. It sounds ugly.

For landing it is not that big a problem as you will have the usual braking options. When you land the thrust usually goes to the zero thrust vector position (beta) and you let the plane slow down.

I really hope this can be reviewed. It is a huge huge disappointment.

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I understand where they came from, but I also agree with you and wish they had done something like the Kodiak.

The real problem is that for most likely the vast majority of users, they aren’t going to futz around with advanced profiles to get the most out of things, and thus going the way they did will probably please the most people.

Myself, I have setup the Kodiak using SPAD so that my throttle range is actually different when on ground versus in flight, so on ground I have the beta range and in flight I don’t. Most people aren’t going to do that though, so having a sort of “auto beta” especially given MSFS doesn’t simulate beta properly anyway, is probably a fair way to go. If done right it should essentially work out the same as the more advanced profile I created for the Kodiak but without having to futz around. On the flip side it means we are at the mercy of Black Square and can’t tweak it ourselfs like we could with a normal setup.

Well, you know about it now. Black Square knows about it. I expect if they are looking at it now, it will be one of the things patched in the first couple weeks. If the issues will ruin the experience too much, you can hold off on purchase until the first or second patch.


As for the Beta Range for the TBM850 - at the moment this is one focus and might get done before release (hopefully). So please dont be disappointed already. Chances are higher that it gets its beta before release, then after.



Is there any move to get this and any other Black-Square packs to console ?

I can ask, but I dont know if I get an offiical answer to that.


One thing you might know Jaydee, is whether there will be any Simvars, Lvars or whatever to enable switching or toggling to and from 850 mode for those of us using external hardware? (Streamdeck here and AAO)

Also wondering if you will be doing one of your checklists for the TBM. They are excellent in the other BS aircraft and I thank you for those now.

Darned well better be. I’ve already built hardware for it!

Yes that works. I would suggest making a script bind it to the flaps lever:

Flaps UP Script:

Flaps DOWN Script

EDIT: Checklist is planned.


Perfect. This is exactly what I made for my Bravo. A custom flap handle and faceplate with detents for flaps and then 850 mode above.

Sounds cool. Would you share a pic maybe?

It’s all prototype still right now but when it’s finished I can :slight_smile: Right now its pretty ugly haha. Waiting until I can get the 850 so I can perfectly align the detent positions


Something that might interest a few of you. Based on various bits of feedback from preview videos and our tutorials over the past week or so, Black Square have jumped right back in and cracked on further with more coding, primarily around the Engine & Beta Range, and what better way to demonstrate how that’s looking now than in a video. So here’s the very thing. Black Square pulling out the stops once again.


Wonderful new features of the 850. Would love to see this back ported to the King Air or Caravan.


I assume the beta range is now realistically changing the propeller pitch right?

There is something I don’t like if I understood correctly the video: When landing if you want to put the thrust to idle, flight idle, and you move your hardware lever to 0 then you are at flight idle because the vid says you can’t go to beta in-flight but then as soon as you touch ground the pitch will magically jump to full beta?
What we need is a way to properly simulate landing at idle and then moving the thrust to the lower beta range to let the plane slow down. I don’t think this is possible in the current implementation.

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Some more details:

  1. Yes it is a realisitic Beta Range that changes the Pitch gradually from its Normal Value at Flight Detent down to 0 at the lower end of the fwd Beta “Taxi” Range, which is by default now your hardware idle position. So there is zero thrust at your harware throttle idle position.
  2. If you have a reverse range or you using Reverse Activiation via Ingame Bindings, you can move the Ingame Throttle further back into Reverse range, still gradually reducing the Pitch doww to its maximum negative value, for maximum Reverse Thrust.
    3). If you have 2 Gates on your Hardware you can set the sensivity curve or use external tools like AAO or Spadnext to adjust you throttle curve, so that your “flight idle” detent is at plus 15% Throttle.
  3. Inflight the Flight Range for the Throttle is capped at min 15%. So the ingame Throttle will not go below “Flight” Idle (15%), even if you move your Hardwarethrottle completely back.
  4. For a landing that means, if you pull you hardware lever before touchdown to the 15% Position you can immediatley after touchdown, again move backwards into beta range. If you have moved your harware throttle to Zero position before touchdown, you would have to move it a little bit, so that the sim is registering you inputs and goes into Beta.
  5. Black Square is thinking about to implement an “advanced” option - which let you choose to disable the in flight limitation. So you can go intentionally or by accident into the beta range in flight.

I hope this answers your questions.



Just Flight made a comment on 737 NG Driver’s latest video saying that if all goes as planned the TBM 850 will be released tomorrow! :grinning:


I ask Nick from Black Square regarding XBOX/Marketplace.

It is intented to bring the Addons to the Marketplace, but the application process seems to be halted by Microsoft. I remember that Jörg from Microsoft indeed mentioned something about a temporary stop for the marketplace developer evaluation proces in the last Dev Stream. Black Square will look depper in this again, once the release of the TBM850 is done.
If an Addon will work on the XBOX remains still unclear until MS/Asobo has testet it during the addon application proces. Because XBOX compatibility is nothing that any dev seems to be able to test before application by them selfs. But I honestly see not technical/coding reason, why it shouldn work on the XBox.

So I think that gives you at least the hope, of getting the amazing Black Square Addons on the XBOX one day.
