[MAJOR UPDATE][V 1.2] Black Square TBM 850

It could be very cool if you have a sound hint about reaching the flight idle position for people without detents, a simple “click” would suffice so when landing If I want to move the throttle to flight idle I just move my lever back until the click and once in the ground I can move it a bit backwards for the beta range.

This would also make sense with the “advanced” option you mention as the “click” sound would make it less likely to enter beta in-flight.

I think the combination of this “click” and a proper throttle curve would make it work very nicely with almost any hardware.

I didn´t mentioned it, but exactly this “click” is something that we also discussed, but it seems, that this is not so quickly done, that it makes it into release.

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For people with Spad we can make it sound when reaching the 15% position until it gets done in the plane.
Thanks a lot for considering it, must be hard to try to think about the best way to handle the MSFS SDK plus the different hardware people may have with a plane that has a very special power and braking system.

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The Kodiak does have a click when the finger lifts are engaged and it displays BETA in the CAS. Not sure if that is correct for this aircraft or not though.

Huh, so it is NOT correct for ITT to decrease with altitude? I didn’t know that. It made sense to me, in my mind thinking ITT would drop because the air was colder.

Now I’m super curious as to why it actually increases in real life.

EDIT: So after looking around for a couple minutes, it makes a bit more sense now. It has to do with thermal mass. The air higher up may be a lot colder, but it is also very thin and thus has little thermal mass. Just like something can’t cool effectively in space, at higher density altitudes where the air is very thin, there is very little thermal mass from the air to conduct heat away.


It made me think about the ATR which announces the current thrust lever on a display and allows for a dead-zone at each detent. Hopefully that could be configurable in the tablet etc.

This is a sim only thing I believe. In the real aircraft you always can feel the throttle detents. Some other Addons also have implemented similar visual or aural hints for the simmer, to notice where the throttle is.

Obviously the click for moving the finger lifts is a sim only thing, I was just pointing it out. It makes sense :slight_smile:

The CAS message however is true to real life. It says BETA on the screen to inform the pilot the propeller is in the beta range. This is accurate to the Kodiak. I do not know if it is accurate to the TBM 850.

That’s perfectly fine, thank you for looking into that for all of us on console. And for coming back with a meaningful response.

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Ok, I tought you ment there was a “In Detent” Message on the CAS. My Bad, sorry. Some Kind of “In Beta Range” clue can be found in some real aircraft, that is true indeed. Some older aircraft have Beta Lights that illuminate if one is in Beta, some have this on the Caution/Warning Panel or indeed in the CAS Messages.

I like Agathorn’s idea.
Maybe a small light to lit up when in Beta range somewhere in the cockpit is enough, so we can move the lever down until the light is lit and then backup a bit.
We already have a switch in the cockpit to change the GPS stack so I don’t think a small light will take much from realism.

We will see what will be doable after release. At the moment a click is the most simple way. I testet some code, with a Click when you enter a 2% Range (15-16%) and one Click when you leave this range. So if you hear one click you are safe, if you here a second you are in beta. I pitched the idea to Black Square and if he approves it might be even in the release version already.



I think everyone should just wait until they can try it. Quite likely the whole issue is being blown a bit out of proportion. The Black Square 208 has beta range on the throttle axis, so does the SWS Kodiak and I’m not aware of any major issues with those from a usability standpoint.


Is there already a price announced for the TBM850?

Yep, around 36 Euros if you purchase through Just Flight, not sure what prices will do on 3rd party reseller websites. You can visit the product page, where you can also already download the operating manual!

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Totally agree. I have the Black Square King Air and 208 - both have beta range. For me, just mapping a button to toggle reverse thrust and then pushing the power lever(s) forward puts the aircraft into beta just fine. Never had an issue and I can’t imagine I’ll have an issue when I get the 850…

Speaking of which… wen wen wen wen wen I want it :rofl: (it’s a joke, but yes I’ll be getting this day 1/hour 1 when it is released)

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Yes, the normal behaviour for a PT-6 powered airplane would be that in climb you would be limited by torque initially, and while the air is getting “thinner” with altitude - as you correctly pointed out - the combustion gets weaker and the propeller has less air to “grab”, hence you have to add power for the maximum desirable torque. And as ITT rises with altitude due to the higher power setting and the factors you mentioned, at some point it will become the limiting factor, somewhere between 15k and 20k ft. altitude.
I just watched a video from 737NG Driver, where probably he doesn’t have the latest version - as the ITT seems to drop with altitude -, but he also mentions that he has to pull back power in climb as torque rises with altitude- which would not be the correct behaviour for a PT-6.

This is a new implementation of the BetaRange Mechanik, that cannot be compared with the Black Square King Air or any other MS/Asosbo GA Turboprob.
But there should absolutely be no problem for the end user in the default setting. If you dont care or even dont know what this whole Beta Range is about, just fly the aircraft, as you would always do.
You most likely will notice a much more controllable Forward Taxi and Reverse Behaviour, but nothing more.

But for people choosing the more advance option, with no automatic safety in flight - it would be important to notice if they are moving the throttle into the beta range. And that is what the last few posts are about. A aural or visuel clue for those people. This will not be important for everyone.

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On my Kodiak I just implemented a weight on wheels switch in SPAD that remaps the throttle range for ground/air ops. I imagine I will do something similar here, but will try the default setup first to see if it works as is.

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Excellent news indeed. Thank you for listening to the community, Black Square! Can’t wait to fly this thing now that the last remaining big issue has been addressed.