The MSFS 2024 default traffic engine produced a good amount of air traffic, which currently isn’t the case for FSLTL in MSFS 2024. But it unfortunately uses lots of outdated aircraft (e.g. DC-10) and ‘Boeing and Airbus house liveries’. Hence, just a random thought: Would there be a way to make the MSFS 2024 default traffic engine refer to the FSLTL models and liveries?
There seems to be some interchangeability between different traffic engines. FSLTL can use FS Traffic models, and FS Traffic can use FSLTL and AIG models, so I’m wondering if it may work.
It seems all default air traffic is streamed, though (i.e. not available on hard drive), hence it may not be possible …
Ah, never mind … I just had another look at the behaviour of default traffic, and it’s too catastrophic to be of any value (traffic spawns over user aircraft, traffic is unable to fly realistic approaches, traffic drives through each other …)
I actually get better results with the default traffic off and using only FSLTL but there are still some issues because of the way the sim deals with AI.
You can try this - it works for me, but there are a few caveats. One is that you may not have to install the base models into your Community folder, so that’s your call. The second is that you may still see pink planes. My fix for that was to install ALL the AIG models along with FSLTL (you don’t need to use the Traffic Manager though). Third, the Graphics/Traffic Airport Quality and Graphics/Air Traffic settings below can be changed based on the amount of planes you want to appear.
This is a lot of work for something that might not work for you. It’s a mess and unless you really, REALLY need to see traffic, you might want to go with UpscaleSmile and just wait for an update.
Use FBW Installer to install FSLTL Base Model and Injector DIRECTLY to the 2024 Community Folder
DestructZero915 Your bullet point process is exactly what I do with FSLTL. The results are passable for getting appropriate liveries at appropriate airports. I use AIG in FS2020 as I like their flightplan-driven process but FSLTL will do until AIG sort out their Traffic Controller injector.