Make POIs on World Map More Visible at Lower Zoom Levels

I’ve been enjoying doing a long world tour and stopping to see many of the lovely handcrafted POIs along the way. I fly a GA plane between areas, then hop in a helicopter to explore the nearby POIs, gradually making my way around the globe.
This is even better in 24 now that we can actually get out and walk around them and admire the details up close.
Planning these flights in MSFS’24 is a little more difficult though because you’re required to zoom in quite close to the World Map before the POI tags appear.
In 2020 you could still see the tags when zoomed further out, and this made planning sightseeing flights much easier.
This probably isn’t an inconvenience to many people so I doubt it will get changed, but I hope it can be added to Asobo’s list :slightly_smiling_face:


I was just thinking that myself. Those markers need to be bigger.

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I agree too. The current UI is too cumbersome to plan flights that include POIs. Voted.

PS to @DeePreed : I’ve modified your title to clarify the wish & added additional tags to help with searches.


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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