Make turbulence close to real life as possible

My thinking is this great TV, but did that wing have a proper anti corrosion control program that included Eddie current and dye pin tests in detail and when was the last annual? So much missing from the show.

The sim is still in Beta I think? I have tried the 747 several times and gave up. It doesnā€™t fly right in the game. I feel it has more lift in the game than in real life.

My buds shop had a Cheyenne pa-42 twin pt6 go down on take off at full power in high winds and the rsvm put the nose in to the parking lot with 4 on board, outside of Reno a few years ago.

Nevada medical flight crash kills 4 (

Trust me the ap will not disconnect from turbulence

The first boom is the O2 bottle opening the 2nd boom flash is the O2 igniting.

14 Months later and the overdone turbolences still there unfortunaly.

Totally disagree, turbulence is way too team compared to flying a real aircraft in rough weather. I assume your real life flying is well away from mountains in fair weather.


Yes, why complain about turbulence? In a sim they should be more extreme because we canā€™t feel them the same as in a real flight. As the sound of loss of friction in racing sims with extreme squeeking sounds because we canā€™t feel loss of friction in a sim. I think they could improve the sounds when turbulence occure too. Sounds really make an immersive experience and make us feel things without feeling the forces.

And why not have options for turbulence in realism settings like light, moderate, severe and realistic?


Iā€™d say the turbulence is MUCH gentler and forgiving than it is in real life, and I want them to increase it.

Iā€™m actually really hoping they remove the limitations on gusts/windshear/updrafts/downdrafts etc that they currently have in the sim too so we can have it as close to real life as possible!

If I fly through mountains on a gusty windy day, I want to encounter all the turbulence that comes with that!


I agree, iā€™m really happy gusts will be back in su10 :slight_smile:.

They also mentioned thermals will be less under 5kts. I think the real improvement will be when the CFD around the plane will be set to 20km radius around plane.

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Be less under 5 kts? Did they say that? It should be the other way around.


Yes, they did and i agree. But i donā€™t know if they only meant in custom weather :man_shrugging:

1 hour and 16 minutes in

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Maybe they meant mechanical turbulence will be less when wind is < 5 kts or thermals will be less if wind is > 5 kt?

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Meybe, i donā€™t know really. Hope they not limit things that should be there. I think the improved CFD will make a difference of how air behaves in the future though.




Unfortunately he clearly does say they will be reducing thermals when wind is calmer.

Itā€™s so frustrating. Instead of answering the question by explaining that the system is designed to reflect real world physics, they immediately cave in and manipulate the system to reduce its realism, so they donā€™t scare the arcade crowd. Can they not treat us like adults?

I suspect they have orders not to scare off the casual gamer who doesnā€™t like more realistic wind features so as soon as they get negative feedback we see how quickly they reverse course even if it is completely opposite to the science.


I hope he misspoke because that statement does not make sense to me. Every seen a glider pilot trying to find thermals with 30 kts of wind? :confused:


The only way to find out is to test su10. I think they really mean to limit thermals under 5kts of wind because many here tells it should be less thermals when they set 0 kts in custom weather. But if we have 0 windspeed that is meassured horizontally the air at that location should be vertically airflow up or down. Iā€™m not an expert in thermals and stuff but updrafts are mostly formed where itā€™s hot ground that makes air move up and downdrafts is formed where itā€™s cold that makes the air move down. Between those zones there mostly higher horizontally windspeeds to take the vertically moving airs place. As you say i donā€™t think gliders try to find thermals in storms.

Maybe the way to interpret this is when lateral wind speed is >5kts, the vertical motion (uplift) of the thermal will be removed or reduced to mimic the way that they dissipate in windy conditions (as noted by @anon50268670 above). That at least makes some sort of sense.

You mentioned this before.

So on a hot day, with little wind, the thermals will rise as you would expect. But as the wind increases, is it a case that the wind is cooling the ground, so there is no thermal updraft, or is it that the warm air is just being blown away, in effect, so there is no longer a column of heated air?