Manual model matching for multiplayer

There have been a few threads about model matching issues over the years, but I don’t think I’ve seen this asked for directly. Specifically, I would like a manual override for model matching multiplayer aircraft. It should be possible to specify which of the models (including AI traffic models) installed on your local sim will be substituted for any aircraft type that you don’t have installed based on its type identifier, and this should override any AI model matching and the ‘use generic aircraft’ setting.

I think this would be a useful tool to help people stop seeing wildly inappropriate aircraft models substituted in-game (eg airliner for a twin bizjet), as happens sometimes now.

I’ve often said that it should be up to Devs of 3rd party aircraft to submit a generic model of their plane to be used in MSFS. That way other aircraft will at least show properly, even if it’s not in our library.

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