Manually setting windspeed in free flight

Any one know how to adjust wind speed at departure and arrival airports in free flight.
seems to be stuck on 270/2kts

Windspeed is set in custom weather tab/window. I have not tried setting manually so not sure if it is an option to set different speed/direction at each airport as opposed to setting being universal. It is annoying to have such unrealistic wind at airports, but worse that is so unrealistic at higher flight level elevations. Flying with 2-4 kts of wind at FL350-420 and OAT at 14C is ridiculous.

What happened to the claim for realistic real time wind and weather? I read some comments of people getting real time weather, wind & traffic to work again by setting to EXE to “run as administrator”. I made the change, but still no realtime weather or traffic.

Thanks, yes same here. It does seem strange that you cant manually set the wind direction and speed.