Map detail/accuracy

If this has already been discussed elsewhere, I apologize. Just point me to the answer.

In upgrading from MSFS-X to MSFS-2020 and going thru the learning curve, I’m curious about something. One of the great new features is the usage of Bing maps for ground detail. Perhaps I have something set wrong (I’m at mostly defaults) but what I am seeing in MSFS does not match what I am seeing in Bing maps. I noticed this when trying to show my wife how I could overfly our house. Then I was embarrassed that I couldn’t find it! The reason is, we live near a school track field, which is easy to find on satellite maps. But that track is not in MSFS. I have attached two images, one from Bing maps and one from MSFS, which show the difference. In that one of the prime reasons I fly MSFS is for sight seeing anywhere in the world, understanding this issue would be helpful. So please tell me about this. Thanks!


It looks like your bing maps data is turned off in MSFS. It could also be outdated low quality maps currently in sim. Check your settings to see if Bing data is on.

Something isn’t right with your game settings if that’s what you’re seeing. Either the visual settings are set too low, or as the person above suggested, maybe Bing data/imagery is turned off.

This is what it looks like for me


Did you view the Q and A? This topic was covered and explained. Bing maps are NOT out of date versions. And besides the poster needs to turn on Bing data!!!

Bingo! DATA>ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY was off! Must have happened when I recently re-install MSFS to fix some settings I had messed up that prevented my joystick from working correctly. I forgot to go in and turn this back on. My views are Bing quality now. Sorry about the posting.

Sooo, what does your wife think now? Is she impressed enough that you’re authorized to purchase the premium deluxe version?!

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Ha Ha! She is thoroughly impressed (even after putting up with me flying flight simulators for over 30 years!)

I did not see that one mentioned. In the last one or has this been fixed for a while ?

Its not broken. It depends on what you mean by Bing Maps. The planet is a composite of Bing Data and Asobos own work. Bing maps are 2D. MFS World is 3D. I would advise read the QA again. It explains how they do it. I’m out.

I would like to close this thread but don’t find a way to do that. What’s the secret?

I think thats a job for the mods, but better to leave it so other users with the same issue can take a quick read and find the fix. Or if the mods merge it with a similar topic.

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