Mark visited airports on the World Map

It should be possible to mark in the World Map with a different color the airports already visited.

Thank you.

I would like to know how many people would like the airports on the world map show that you have landed at that airport, maybe designated by a new color. This would show you instantly what parts of the world (airports) you have visited. As soon as you looked at the world “globe” you could see your progress, ie. for world travel.


I really like the idea…
How about a few toggles for world overlays.

  • One for Airports Departed
  • One for Airports Arrived
  • One for Flight Paths Taken

Seems to me if these things are already recorded in the Pilot’s Log, then showing them shouldn’t be that difficult.

Just my $.02.

Sounds great

You can do that…

Or press the edit button next to the title (the OP, that is) and select another category :wink:

The best thing is: not use the MSFS “map”!

Use Little Navmap, ist fit for MSFS now. It is a full moving map with all informations. Freq’s, ILS with full information, parkpositions, just everything. The dataset is generated directly from MSFS. The map itself is e.g Open Streetmap, Open Topomap, Stamen Terrain and others. You choose yourself.

I run it on a seperate notbook. Linking is very easy. Flightplans go via Dropbox to MSFS.

Ebi, am talking about the world globe showing where you have taken off and landed. Not the nav map.

I would love to see them use color codes on the map, but I would personally prefer them to be used for something else.

Right now everything on the map is marked by the same white dot. IMO it would be better if they use a color code for different items like different kinds of waypoints, airports, … Right now it’s a mess to find something. You have to zoom in pretty far to see differences between these items, and even then it’s only distinguished by a small marker inside that dot. Not to mention that you have to zoom in even further for smaller airports.

Perhaps they could put a big black dot in airports you visited, but different map items seems more important to me to easily distinguish.

Yes, I would very much like to see that!

I have my own list of everywhere I’ve been yet having that marked in the world map would make it a lot easier to plan the next route, not overlapping where I’ve already been to.

For advanced stats, a landing report when you click on visited airports would be nice to have. The landing challenges give you a nice report, would like to see that for all landings.


Yes I would like to second this

I am on Xbox and I can’t use little nav map unfortunately another thing I don’t understand why we can’t seeing as it is highly plausible and possible as Forza has simple Telemetry out options on Xbox but anyways back to the topic on hand

I live in NSW Australia and I am currently trying to land at every airport in the state -

It would be very handy to have this feature and also have it expanded upon with filters for example like the legend a second pop up can come up where you select your filters eg. Country - State - show as list - with symbols representing landings takeoffs or what not but also to what would be the most accessible and beneficial also personalised to each flight Sim user

would be the ability to create custom personal lists - sort of like personal achievement lists - route wishlists etc etc - for now it’s just pretty much random flying and before anyone mentions Skypark that is also not on the Xbox

Thank you for listening asobo


It would be good to have airports landed at in a different color on the world map. Maybe even include airports taken off from too. A color scheme like this would be helpful to track where I’ve done what. eg
White - never been there
Blue - taken off there
Green - landed there
Grey - done both

Currently i switch back and forth between searching the pilot log and world map to search for new places to land

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In light of my recent dismay of my stat records and progress towards the “World Traveller” achievement being reset after the NZ update, could you folks at Asobo implement some sort of tick-off list for all the airports we’ve landed at or even better a visual representation on the World Map please?

It’s a nightmare to keep up with in it’s current state especially if you have to start again.

Thank you

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