Looks like there’s some movement when it comes to the Marketplace on msfs-2024 - Anyone else seen this?
I would assume that MP won’t go live until Sim Update 1 ships, given the severe visual issues with so many of the aircraft. (Unreadably dark digital displays, no pilots.) The aircraft issues seem like a “must fix” before they start selling FS2020 content directly to the FS2024 marketplace.
A couple times it’s told me that the marketplace is down and I will only be able to access my library which is different from the coming soo ln screen so maybe? I haven’t seen what you posted yet though
I am still getting the Coming soon screen. No change here.
I’ve gotten this set of screens once, I think it’s just a bug allowing us to see some things that we aren’t supposed to.
I saw this a few weeks ago, so I wouldn’t take it as an indicator.
So no news on this then, I’m just wanting to store some stuff locally which I presume will happen when this goes live.
Hey, how’s the new rig working? OT here I know, but the MP will open when the MP opens, right? Any success flying with that new PC?
PM’ed you.
Omg … launching 10min ago fs2024 I got new Marketplace working… sadly I exit FSim becouse it says to restart FS to update, but reentering sim no more marketplace … What’s going on?
They may be testing something momentarily and you happened upon that?
Yes…It’s the only logic explanation!
On a Sunday? There is probably the highest user number during the week. I doubt it. I would guess more of a glitch. Would be a nice surprise if it would show up during the week.
Anyhow I still see “coming soon”
Based on this January 23rd, 2025 Development Update - Microsoft Flight Simulator the Market Place will be available with SU1 release (we’re just at the pre-test Beta version)
Also, the MSFS2024 Marketplace is not part of this pre-release test but is planned to launch with the full release of SU1.
Is there any news on when the full release is expected?
Not much than my previous message
Yeah so…where is it?
When SU1 fully releases.
This was in the Jan 23 SU1 Beta Changelog:
“Please note the in-sim Marketplace is planned to release with Sim Update 1 but will not be accessible during the Beta. You will still be able to access your available owned content via My Library and utilize the same functionality currently present in the sim.”