According to a post on Avsim, the Honda Jet has been updated to 1.0.7 (I don’t own this so cannot verify).
Hopefully there will be an official post made, at some point, with all the releases/updates that have taken place. According to this post, it is planned to happen.
Anyone seeing the Digital Design Lyon LFLL update listed in the updates section at the top?
I just downloaded a fresh copy and it is V1.0.1, the exact same version as I have already. Was it really updated or just an error in the listing? There’s no ‘updated’ text but it’s in the updated section (above).
I won’t be either. I can’t speak for each night enhanced city, but I looked at my hometown and it looks very unrealistic; too vivid. If one looks unrealistic, I bet there are many others the same way. I would bet that all of the night enhanced cities were rushed. Before I had seen what my hometown looked like, I was thinking of maybe buying just one, but not anymore.