Massive FPS drop because of SU9

I already posted this in the SU9 Discussion Thread, but I will post it here again, in case this thread is monitored more actively.
This Video shows one of the issues with SU9. I never had this problem before.
Upon starting the sim, I have stable 42FPS in the cockpit.
However, as soon as I move the camera even one bit the frames start to drop and don’t seem to be able to recover again.
As you can see in the video, after moving the camera a few times, the FPS are stuck at 35 with regularly spaced drops inbetween.
At the same time you can see the GPU and the Mainthread load fluctuating.

Here are also two screenshots I made. I only moved my position one inch and the FPS dropped by nearly 5 and did not recover afterwards. And again with those regularly spaced stutters.

Before the update I also could max out my FPS in the outside view to around 50. Overall a big degradation.

Windows 10
i7 9750h @4GHZ
RTX 2080