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Welcome to Australia’s largest and friendliest virtual flight sim community. Here we all fly together, whether you are male, female, retired or current, we enjoy a friendly, respectful, inclusive environment. One event and comms channel for all as we welcome you to our new East Coast Australia Tour.
ATR “Pro” Series East Australia Tour Canberra to Coffs Harbour via Sydney. Pilots expect 50 pax plus cargo to drop off in Sydney with 56 pax pick up and drop in Coffs Harbour. Simbrief flight plans will be used for this flight. YSCB to YSSY to YCFS. Flight Time approx 1hr 23mins + short turnaround in Sydney. Pilots briefing will be at 1015UTC with aircraft departing from 1030UTC. See you on the ramp West USA Server, live weather and in flight time will be briefed to you on the day.