Massive Sim 32 Italy Tour 2023 - Twins

Welcome to one of Australia’s most enjoyable sim communities.

Pilots - Expect Tessera (LIPZ) to Parma (LIMP) as we explore Venice before heading west to Boscomant for our coffee stop. This will be another scenic leg as continue to explore Italy. Don’t forget, twins are preferable for this tour. 310R/414/SenecaV or similar with Live Time and Live Weather on the West USA Server - 1045UTC Departure.

To join, please head here so you can get your plans, NOTAMS and access to the comms channels for the flight → Massive Simulations 32

Leg 3 VFR Tessera (LIPZ) to Parma (LIMP).pln (6.7 KB)
Leg 3 VFR Tessera (LIPZ) to Parma (LIMP).lnmpln (5.1 KB)