Welcome to Massive Sim 32 and to our Massive Fly in 2024! Please come along and join in our day of competition including:
- Drag races
- Shortest stop
- Formation Flying
- and heaps more that we will reveal over on our discord here → Massive Simulations 32 Inc.
Over at the discord you can register to take part in this large scale event, to be held in Cairns, Australia, that includes prizes and giveaways from our major partner “ORBX” along with a live demo of their soon to be released “Wolf Pitts” (we will have copies of it to giveaway as well). We also have four supporting partners - NZA Simulations, Sim Works Studios, Iris Simulations and Got Friends. All partners have prize giveaways and as community members you also have the opportunity to grab yourself some bragging rights if you come out on top in our competitions.
This is an event not to be missed and you are invited to come along and enjoy the day. We will have various fly-ins occurring from all around the world, so you can jump on board and fly in with your friends. All you need to do is get yourself to Cairns by 1030UTC and then either compete or sit back and enjoy the flying.
Please ensure you join here → Massive Simulations 32 Inc. to get access to the exclusive member only channels for the event. And who knows, you may also enjoy flying with us during the week on any of our regular tour events. See you on the ramp.