Master warning sound won't stop in TBM and other aircrafts

Okay, but when you flop the throttle to the left and the engine revs, that lady in front looks kinda scared.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Now i can Fly the TBM back.

To be perfectly accurate the sound cannot be silenced until you release brake AND begin engine start to establish oil pressure. Glad the issue is being addressed though!

Was there a confirmation it will be fixed I missed?

IIRC, what was said was how they might fix it for next update without making any promises.

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right, they said they would try to have a fix before the next update. But even if they don’t, I think it’s safe to say it will be fixed at some point. I only said “I’m glad the issue is being addressed”.
“I’m glad they will have it fixed with the next update”

Got you, thanks for explaining.

As @Garfield9910 posted way above Download the following & install it.
It fixes the problem with the warning!!


Thanks simmnut.
I have been removing the COMs from Longitude MFD and changed the fuel to GAL in working title and another mod.

The other mods you made are good too. I asked Working Title to make a change in their version but have not looked for that update, yet. I believe my request was post the current release, v0.7.6.


Ok, I’m still downloading the update, but, seemingly it has been fixed.

Not fixed after update SU7. Use the fix ^above^

Fixed for me with the update.


Hi Guys,
I have the latest version of the working title g3000 and the Tbm 930 mod but I still get this problem when my parking brake is on and when my engine is off… It’s s so anoying
Any idea to fix it ?

Try pressing the button further to the right under the center screen before pressing the master warning button.

Make sure you have the v0.7.6a version with the fix and not the one at oficial site v0.7.6

see the link on above posts

Fixed in the update