Hi guys!
So my system spec near same except GPU, my own view on this and my experience some people just could not believe till they saw my stream, I have near all Uk covered with aftermarket airports, got major USA airports specially NewYork got LaGuardia I got Newark KEWR, I got Washington DC city and airport by ORBX and KLAX all inibuilds, my London And EGLL and London City is all Inibuilds and ORBX so you already can see level of scenery I got in my sim, now I have played more lately with settings but I found 2 great options or settings for me, also worth to mention I use XTU Intel for overlocking and manual Overlock to my memory via bios and my GPU I have 3 profiles stock, MSFS OC 4K and MSFS OC light.
My fps will be lower to mid to max.
Flying over London and landing at EGLL or London City using Fenix A320 or PMDG737 fps as fallows:
Flying over Manhattan and landing at LaGuardia or KEWR using Fenix A320 or PMDG737 fps as fallows:
Always can change
My settings for above fps covers both 4K with scale to 150% and under TAA with Frame Gen turn on. Rest of settings ultra except the screen refresh rate it’s the bottom setting I have it on low. Rest of setting all ultra. Also worth mention my TLOD is set to 345 and my Detail LOD is 200.
And, I have Nvidia control painel with specific settings for MSFS only I have in game anisotropic filter turn completely off in Sim but on Nvidia painel set to max x16 then GPU set to max performance and low latency set to ultra, then in general on Nvidia setting I have Cache set to unlimited. Gsync set to variable as I have Vsync in game turn off.
2 option in game - All above
same apply to native resolution as my monitor is 1440p (2k) native and it’s IPS painel with 165hz refresh rate and it’s 27inch gaming monitor, for this case I have Nvidia DLSS activated and set to Quality and Frame Gen turn on.
Fps in game same with bit higher numbers on max fps I hit from time to time even 250FPS bear in mind all ultra.
Multiplayer Online set off only turn on if needed.
Traffic in game options set to airport people - 20
Airport vehicles set to 20 parked airport aircraft set to 0.
Other traffic - Leisure boats set to 0, the ships and ferries set to 50 and road cars traffic set to 45
Also I use FSLTL for traffic later can post my setting of that.
My system is Intel core I7 13700k overlocked using XTU to 5.6Ghz all P cores and E cores to 4.4Ghz.
My memory is Hynix Adie and it’s 2x 16gb Gskill 6400mhz 32GB running at tide timings stock voltage at at 6800mhz on 30-32-32-90.
My board is Z690 ASUS Rog Hero
And GPU is ASUS Rog Strix 4080 OC edition oc for MSFS 3000mhz core and 22550 on Memory.
PSU is an EVGA SuperNove 80gold 1000w
Cables for GPU is cable mod 4pcie to single 12v power cable just that alone was 30£ something like that order from original website of cable mod.
Temps never above 50c also cpu is also ways few cores only 45-50c
My cooling is all around EKWB fans and rad and block is all unique system as it’s last of its kind is modular EKWB Phoenix MLC 240mm but it’s very fat radiator which equal an 360+ the block on that is an velocity flat copper like a mirror! Also worth to mention I have thermalright flat plate for cpu to make HSI of cpu flat that alone drop around 10c I had to remove original board cpu bracket retention.
Forgot to mention I use de lot if process to install Nvidia drivers NVinstaller or cleaner and DDU.
My drivers are very light and only got 2 containers for Nvidia
All optimisations done to get faster higher frames and less over stress system.
Also I have turn off the option in windows defender that gives cpu his wings back as there is core isolation that cpas cpu performance by turn that off you get your full cpu power under your controle I notice huge relief of cpu once that was off!
Recommend that! If you need like personal system optimisation I can have you and myself on discord and I can guide on complete tutorial for optimisation! Just DM me.
See system here: