Max Graphics over London, CPU/GPU almost at idle

I’m following this post as a benchmark:

  1. Install MSFS and run it vanilla. Don’t turn on Vsync. Just load Ultra preset graphics settings. Turn off traffic. Load plane into KMIA runway 27 at 2PM with clear weather. You should be at least at 875-80 fps here.

I’m in a DA-40 TDI at KMIA halting in position RWY 27, 2 pm, clear skies. Preset Ultra, Vsync off, fidelity sharpening 100, nVidia settings at factory standard, DX11, all traffic sliders including fauna density set to 0. I’m getting around 90-92 FPS.



I’m now trying to figure out whether it’s my high traffic settings that reduced the frame rate. Or whether I’m simply expecting too much.

Edit: going to 100% fauna didn’t change anything. Going to DX12 got me to about 95-100 FPS. Stays the same when I set AMD sharpening from 100 to 200.

Edit 2: Okay. Moving TLOD from 200 to 400 brought it down to around 73. Traffic also seems to be a big factor.