Maybe a Dumb Question -- Can Others See I am Flying an F-15?

All of this explains the 420kt Bonanza in the Mach loop yesterday, I think.


Its a shame really; it would be cool to see what planes other people were flying. I wouldent think it would take much bandwidth to stream the external texture only to the what; 30 people max? In your instance…Could even make it an option for people with decent internet to take advantage of.

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You can’t see other aircraft unless the other person has it as well. That’s the way it’s setup.

Totally agree. After a plane is in the sim, they should at least place it as AI or the person who has one. Can’t be that difficult.

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I remember when flying on VATSIM back in FSX that the software came with a “pool” of aircraft models, so you’d at least get a rough representation of what the other person was flying, even if it wasn’t exact. (Not sure if it’s still like that now - anyone can comment?)

Of course, it didn’t cover everything, so you’d still see the odd Cessna 172 floating 50 feet over the taxiway, because the other person was flying an unlisted model, such as a 747SP :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The other thing I can’t wrap my head around is why the labels for other players do not show the plane they are using unless it is the same one as you are using. Why is this?

Hi, FWIW, it isn’t polished for sure, but with the mod a user has put out, it is extremely fun to fly. The developer has communicated with the user and it appears that the next update of it will likely incorporate the fixes made. I got it and have really enjoyed flying it around. My prediction is that it is going to be a very popular plane.

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It’s actually becoming a very fun plane to fly. It’s been improved substantially since just last week


It’s good to know that it’s being fixed. Sucks that it required a user to create a mod to fix it. I hate it when developers release half completed work at a premium price then expect you to wait for it to be completed over a span of months with updates. Hmmm… I wonder where I’ve seen that before?

Nonetheless, it’s not a plane I’m likely to get anyway. If I want to fly a fighter, there are other sims that I’d much prefer to that in wher I actually get to shoot stuff as well.


On a flight at the weekend, someone flying a float plane Cub mod appeared as a generic low wing, with only its nose gear lowered. :slight_smile:

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Recommend all Multiplayer pilot to check your setting in ‘General trafic’ Aircraft trafic …toggle your ‘show trafic nameplates’ to ON…you will then be able to display your Aircraft type and altitude to others, not only your ‘name/callsign’…

That’s not how it works. Whether you have yours on or not makes no difference other than to what you see.

If you turn it off, you won’t see other name plates. But other players who have theirs turned on will see your name plate, regardless of what yours is set to.

EDIT: And on a side note, displaying of the plane type only works reliably for first party (Asobo) planes. Most other planes don’t have a recognized type defined from what I’ve seen.

I’ve flown in a couple of group and community events where other have had the Carenado planes (which I own). It showed me the correct model in sim (M20R and C182), but not the plane type on the name plate. Others were flying 3rd party planes I don’t own. I couldn’t see their plane type in the name plate either and saw them flying as a Bonanza. The only planes I saw plane type on were the Asobo planes.

I think it just shows up as “STRIKE EAGLE” by someone’s name and no model, going from what I saw during the stream while flying it. I think even if it’s in the marketplace it won’t show — may have been a bug, but I do think models being in the marketplace should show for all whether or not they have the aircraft, so that would explain why the F15 does not show a model for those who don’t have it. During the stream I flew in formation with a Typhoon which was really cool, but I have no idea if that’s just because I had the model or planes in the marketplace have global models.

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