Description of the issue:
Medium cargo missions does no check on runway length.
This often leads to departure and/or destination airports with unfit runways for PC12 or Caravan.
As example, destination airport : LEBQ - 119m asphalt runway, far too short for any realistic landing.
Update from users report : all airplanes mission types (not only medium cargo) are potentially affected by this problem of inadequate runway length
Solution to implement : filter out all runways shorter the minimum landing distance from the plane performance sheet for all mission activities
[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
Nothing in community
How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Approximately 50% of cargo missions
Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:
- Pick medium cargo mission in career mode and check the departure and arrival airport runway length
- Repeat step 1 if both airports have long enough runways
- If you dare, try to land on an unfit runway and get a good score or not fail the mission due to landing off limits
LEBQ runway
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• This is so easy to reproduce I thought this was intended gameplay so I never bothered reporting it. I would say maybe slightly over half of my trips are to these runways.
Sometimes it feels like a landing challenge, but you can decide before you go for that trip if it’s possible or not with the aircraft you’re planning to use 
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• All Medium Cargo Missions I have for the PC-24 have you land at inadequate runways.
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Career Mode is grindy enough without having your best paying missions undoable.
I encounter regularly grassy airports to land or take off with medium cargo, so I’m unsure if it even checks for asphalt. They are also really short most of time.
Could you post a proof of this so we can change the title and description ?
So far I never had to land on grass runways with medium cargo. Airports could have grass taxiways but not runways.
I got cargo medium missions using unpaved runways. But C208, PC12, PC24 and C408 are able for that irl.
Cause of various parameters which will affect the needed takeoff/landing distance (weather, surrounding area, tow, lw, airport altitude, runway direction in use,…) it’s not so simple as it looks like. Just to say use runways with at least e.g. 3000ft lenght will result in just getting boring missions.
Also keep in mind that you could use a CH47.
A better option would be just to be able to filter for missions for the above criterias you want so it can also be matched to the pilot skills.
I have only this picture, this is an airport in Madagascar that always spawns a juicy medium cargo, but I cant even take off as the plane is between trees. On the left side what you see with brighter surface is the runaway, so this is a dirt runaway. The aircraft is literally sitting at the end of the runaway. There are also no buildings either. If I encounter again, then I will keep it in mind to post it. I can already tell that these grassy and dirt runaways for medium cargo are in East Africa / South-East Africa and Madagascar.
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• I do have the issue, that some runways are rather challenging to land. But the pay then is usually better.
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• I only fly freelance in Europe and Northern Africa so far in encountered only once gravel in Northern Africa. But I had missions where I had to land on a strip of about 150m, this is even for a loaded caravan not enough.
Replying to the last posts, I’ll change the title and description.
To me, the runway surface doesn’t matter much. I merely tried to deduce the criterias used by the devs to allow airports to be used for medium cargo.
But the runway length should at least match the minimum landing distance from the aircraft performance sheet.
IMO, the challenge should not come from the runway length forcing to reverse thrust while still above ground. You can still have challenging cargo missions due to terrain and winds (high altitude airports for example).
I agree, I dont have problem with the runaway surfaces as well, I kinda like grassy or dirt runaways, as its fitting the remote locations. However they are most of the time very short, I often just able to lift up before the trees with a generous amount of stall warnings and the landing gear basically touching them. It kind of feels like an achievement, but I mean no sane pilot would try that in real life. I guess the problem is that in theory the aircraft can take off, the length is just enough for that, and I always manage it somehow, but it feels like a gamble. There has to be runaways near these locations that are longer, why they wouldn’t bring the cargo there.
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To add to that, this also happens at landing, there were 2 occasions that I actually stopped just right outside the end of runaway, because it wasnt enough. I guess if I would approach perfectly then it would be just enough to stop in theory, and I manage kind of always but really on the edge, and need to do harder landings to have the aircraft stop before the runaway ends, so I do get deduction on the cargo integrity or aircraft integrity.
I can totally imagine. In the picture I put in the initial post, I ended in the field further away with a warning that the mission would fail for landing at the wrong place. I had to to U turn, speed back to that small “road” damaging the landing gear in the process (that was as employee).
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Just as an extra proof, here is a another grassy / dirt runaway for medium cargo, however the etb says its concrete, it doesn’t really look like concrete to me. It also seems a bit short again.
Thanks but you gave me one already and I changed the description 
Need to wait for forum moderators or devs to log a bug now… By the time this gets fixed, we’ll probably have moved to heavy cargo
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Well if they put a heavy cargo airplane in standard edition then yes, but currently the game for me has no aircraft for heavy cargo that I can buy so I can’t do heavy cargo, there is a thread in the forums about that as well
I read somewhere that the aviator edition owners have a heavy cargo airplane, so maybe I need to get that to do heavy cargo, but its gonna be like 50mil+ and with no working passive income (also has a thread) that will take a while.
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• I have developed the habit of looking at the runway distance in the EFB before choosing a mission, but the EFB cannot see the trees on the runway.
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
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• Moved up a notch to the C408 Skycourier. This needs 3000ft landing distance. Missions popped up with runway lengths of around 1800ft.
The C208 still has missions with runway lengths of 3000ft + in abundance.
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
1103 m runway length is more than enough for a C208