Message Signal Interrupts - RTX 30xx Performance Boost?

Did some more testing today and remain impressed by the improvement this small tweak makes on my RTX3080. Heathrow with FBW/AIG TC was a studder-fest in the past. Much better with the MSI priority set to high.

Just tried it out. Can’t really say with any great confidence its doing anything for me. FPS seems the same. Maybe its a bit smoother? As likely to be placebo effect I think. I’d need to test more. SU10 is still in beta and has issues anyway. Its probably not the best time to try out tricks like this one.


Definitely not placebo effect on my system. Are you using Win10 or Win11? Did you reboot the system after making the change.

Yeah rebooted. Using windows 10.

I’ve tried this (on a 3080ti) and I agree it seems to make a big difference - everything seems much smoother and more responsive, and framerates noticeably higher.

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Yes. Surprising difference. Kind of feel this came out of nowhere – had not heard anything about it until last week.

I cap my frame rates @ 30 but this makes it much smoother. I don’t use VR so a smooth 30 at a complex airport (Heathrow, LGA, DCA, LAS, etc.) is a win.

read this post now… just in case it is still open question:

You have installed the tool “GPU Tweak” and enabled the “OSD”. Users have just installed to many tools and play with that instead playing the game :rofl:

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