METAR keeps disrupting the weather/ bugged weather/Cumulus/CB clouds only/no medium to high cloud coverage

At least that makes some sense. Assume you are flying at 100kt with a 25kt headwind. How are sensors supposed to detect the wind? Comparing with GPS progress is the only way

If you want to see the wind all the time i can advice to use shift+z stats addon.

Looks like this

That is simvar and never lies. Thats the wind you really have in the sim.

I use that when calculate takeoff performance in PMDG 737 for example and also decides what runway i will use.

I also see that weather is disturbed by those METARS when using that. The winds does not behave correct in the sim. For example near airports winds suddenly change to METAR values. Well, for those that check METAR and needs weather to be in those fixed METAR values that may be fine but for me that want weather to behave like weather it’s wrong. I can accept temp, pressure and wind from METAR but visuals is too much. That we don’t need tools to be noticable.


finally bug logged :slight_smile: :dizzy:


Yeah !!! :champagne: :clinking_glasses:, never give up and stay postive
Thanks to all that contributed to this thread with their reports, screenshots and to SealedVolcano5 that opened it.


Whoa :O. That’s quite a big step honestly.


Awesome. Patience was all we needed. Can’t say I didn’t tell all of you to just chill out and that there would be improvements coming our way this round of updates. I’ll take apologies in beer $, thanks.


did you not say that what i posted here you never seen it in your game? :sweat_smile:

Awesome work!

I’m really looking forward to see weather in the sim gets more fluid and varied as we had before su7 :slight_smile:


As today’s Live weather depiction on approach to EDDH was a bit underwhelming, I posted in the “Live weather does not match” thread. I probably should have posted here, but as to me it seems not solely a problem with the METAR integration but with the data resolution in general as well, I chose the other thread.

However: The METAR blending process should use the forecast model with the best resolution for any given area, and especially blending the “9999” METAR value for visibilty needs to take the available data from the forecast model for the surrounding area into account, as “9999” doesn’t mean “unlimited”.

For details:

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As per yesterday Dev Stream, SU12 will bring improvements related to Thermals & Turbulence what is nice. Unfortunately no comments about METAR & Clouds, we’ll have to wait for the Release notes.


See that video Twitch starting at 00:36:53:


Even if it’s bug logged, I don’t think it’ll be easy undoing the mess that METARs have caused. Probably won’t be seeing an improvement later on in 2023, we’ll see.


And the clouds they showed in that video looked absolutely dreadful. Cartoon like blobs. Nothing like the believable clouds we had at release. How can they be proud to show that kind of regression?


That looks as bas as ever sadly
when was that photo taken? I am not following much the developers anymore, or this game after a whole year of disappointment


We don’t know the date but it is coming from their SU12 Beta they started to work on (not release yet to beta testers), so I assume a couple of days or few weeks ago.

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That was from a video shown in yesterdays’ Q/A session! :frowning:

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It’s sad because i’m really missing the weather we had before this METAR injection. But i think you are right. We have a different weather engine since su7 either we like it or not.


I missed a word there, I meant it’ll take a while until we see an improvement.
The introduction of turbulence settings and getting rid of the vertical wind speeds limitations is a step towards a good direction. I also wonder if it’ll mean we’ll get some solid downdrafts as well, not only updrafts.
And I’ll say it again, this thread being bug-logged is a good sign as well.


Yes, bug logged is a good sign :slight_smile: I’m also looking forward to the air improvments :slight_smile:

Hope to see the weather engine update in a near future though.


What about cirrus or high level clouds?

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I don’t see why people would be disappointed with the Asobo team. I think they have made amazing accomplishments in this game. A lot of these thing have never existed in any flight simulator before this.

That being said, they didn’t seem to acknowledge any cloud updates yet. I know they are watching these threads though because they mention a lot of things in them on the Q & A sessions. Creating thin dense cloud layers like the different stratus types is probably harder than we think it is. I would be willing to bet if keep it on the wish list, we will see it sooner than later.

Again I will post the image to help them visualize the vision we dream of. Credit to