METAR keeps disrupting the weather/ bugged weather/Cumulus/CB clouds only/no medium to high cloud coverage

As already discussed, since the attempt from SU7 to combine meteoblue weather with metar data in the area of airports, the cloud visualization seems to have visibly deteriorated.
Yesterday I patiently looked at the transition at the edge of the metar zone of an airport. The light cumulus clouds of the surrounding area are pushed forward by the wind and slowly dissipate there. At the same time, new clouds are formed which, depending on the metar conditions, in some cases seem to form this heavy clouds.
From the metar data with about FEW 1500, SCT 3500, OVC 5500 then thick dark gray clouds developed over the airfield, no defined cloud layers visible, but between the clouds single blue gaps. This inability to display cloud layers, at least under certain conditions, could be one of the problems. Similar was already described by other posters. The clouds are the most visible sign of the weather data change and if the transition does not work, it is no fun to see.
Perhaps the smooth transition between the two weather data sources near airports would not be seen so negatively if it did not produce those horrible clouds under some conditions.


Seriously, does anyone think this looks realistic? To me it’s like and explosive mess of porridge and volcanic ash!


did you check the METAR? maybe it reported porridge and volcanic ash? :rofl:



This is such a mixed bag (and it didn’t used to be that way). The first photo is, to me, gorgeous. All the whispy details and varied opacity. If you spent most of your time flying wherever this was taken then your opinion of the weather engine is going to be vastly different from that of a user who spends most of their time flying around the area where the second pic was taken where the famous Orcas Island volcano is apparently erupting.

I can’t recall where the first pic was taken but the second pic is around Orcas Island and it looks like this most of the time now. It didn’t used to but now it does.

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I actually do believe that the quality of live weather depiction is connected to the flying location. I don’t know why, but there are places where it’s basically perfect, in other areas it’s the volcanic mess we’ve been talking about for months.

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Yes the area where it looks good it’s probably where there is no METAR


I had a strange experience today, where I was flying in the Amazon forest, from one strip to another. On the way out the weather was stunning, turning around and flying back, the weather began to change and after around 10 minutes I was surrounded by volcanic clouds. There wasn’t any metar stations around. I’m not sure if’s only that, although I agree that METAR is interferring with the meteoblue system.


Yes doing a flight today between Chinggis Khaan International and Lhasa I had zero weather. 235/03 winds again. I’m not sure if the metars are available for this part of the world?

I surely hope that SU8 get rid of these
 Volcanic eruption after departing Oslo. This is just ridiculous


Maybe it’s historical weather we have in the sim right now. Oslo had volcanic activity around 310 million years ago and lasted for 70 million years :slight_smile:


If the beta is anything to go by, it doesn’t.

Nothing ( that I can see ) changed in regards to cloud depiction in the SU8 Beta compared to SU7. Everything still looks as apocalyptic as ever. On the odd occasion, clouds look “decent”, but this is the exception to the rule.


MS Asobo – PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know that you don’t like the volcanic gray clouds. I think when live weather is trying to depict “rainy clouds” and/or overcast, it comes off way way too gray and totally unrealistic.

Over DFW today.


This falls on deaf ears I’m afraid. Old classic planes and other nonsense seem to take precedence at the moment.


I whish they would focus on a update just for the weather since there is so many issues, otherwise we are in for a very long wait
not even knowing if in the future once fixed they’ll break it again


This should be tagged as “feedback-logged” and then “bug-logged”. Who is deciding that ?


I believe the mods.

They told us weather is complex. What does that mean? Does it mean they can’t fix it? Does that mean it will take much time? Does it mean they never will get it working as good as pre su7 again? I would like to know what is actually complex. I would like to know details about a plan to fix this. If they told us that i think we would be more confident they will fix all the issues.

The thing is that the weather looked more complex pre su7 than it does now.


Yes themed Sim Updates similar to World Updates sounds like a good idea, each one focusing on a core feature such as weather. In between we must also have more frequent bug fix updates.


Well, it only matters if they know how to fix it. If they don’t know, i rather want them to not update it more.

To me it would be better with a downgrade of the weather to pre su4 weather. Then i would have the ”overdone” gusts and a complex looking weather :+1: