MFS has been working great until suddenly out of the blue, literally, it fails to start with the following message
C:\Programe files\WindowsApps\MFS X 64_ 8 etc \Fligh Sim.exe
(Application Error)
The exception s (0x
After trying repairs and resets of apps, Checking Microsoft store for undates etc. Decided only thing for it was to unistall and reinstall. However on new installation still get same problem.
Any help, as always, will be most appreciated.
Yes, I got this exact same thing 10mins ago.
Yep +1 same problem here.
It was immediately after I installed the Aerosoft CRJ900/1000 add-on. I’m hoping that was a coincidence.
Same here in Taiwan, Asia.
Also happened here. A prompt to allow Microsoft package depency installer appears before the error.
Looks like Asobo is pushing out a faulty update right now.
I reinstalled the game for nothing Hopefully my control options i configured manually is still there
This is becoming tiresomely frequent.
Same here. MSFS could boot fine yesterday; today, after a windows update which included DirectX and some runtime lib updates, I get this error when trying to start MSFS.
Just when the devs will be going home on a Friday night too. I wonder how long this fix is going to take.
Me too! Arrrrggghhhh
Looks like I uninstalled for NOTHING!!!
I’m not alone thank goodness…
I also tried to reinstall and had the same broken error message. This made me panic.
R.I.P us who uninstalled
This issue just happened an hour ago I think? How did you all manage to reinstall that quickly?
Same for me after installing the CRJ900/1000
Same for me too.
Because it would download the 1.2GB launcher, then when you go to launch it would bring up that error code. We can’t even get to the Flight Simulator splash screen where the actual game would then download lol
Oh so my bad. You were in the middle of trying to reinstall. Not necessarily completed with the resintallation. Gotcha
Reports are coming in that this is Microsoft Store related, and not necessarily to do with MSFS. Players of games such as Forza5 are getting the same error.
Xbox is showing some cloud gaming servers down.