Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Patch #3 Discussion

It speaks volumes about the state of the simulator that however long the patch notes are, playing day to day doesn’t feel much different. The same missions break at the same points, the same UI navigation issues remain on Xbox, the game crashes regularly at various points. We’re not even at a point where we could complain about the graphics (on Xbox), because the simulator isn’t even working properly. I would say it’s still fundamentally broken and feels like an alpha build.


Completely agree with you. I remember when fallout 76 was released and it was horrendous. MSFS 2024 is far worse, on Xbox anyway. I’m just glad I never paid for it!

Since the Update iam stuck again in the Loading Screen at 2% for 20 Minutes now …

Excuse me? I think ive baught the game for the full price right?i want the full game! So its my right to complain when after 2 Updates im flying over a 2d wasteland cant fly any airliner and ctds every 10min. Also, my mouse not working anymore after the Update. If the sim is working fine you im happy for you. For me its terrible. Download speed 250mb/s.


By all means, complain all you want. It’s clearly having an effect and getting MS/Asobo to fix things, right?

My comment was in regards to you claiming that the entire game is broken and useless. It’s not.


For some values of broken, and useless. I can use it, and no inflight crashes yet, so I guess I’m one of the luckier ones. I’ve encountered many of the same issues others have, but I can still fly.

I mean, by “immediate patch”, were you expecting a bug fix in a day?

I have a real issue with calling programmers “bad”, when those same programmers, created MSFS 2020 and 2024, something that many of us would never be able to make ourselves.

I feel like rushed might be the more appropriate term. If you rush a chef, the food isn’t going to come out the way you want.


Asobo has so much to do, that we must be patience. :cry:
Otherwise the steak medium will be raw! :wink:

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You’re not wrong. I mean it sucks for everyone involved that there’s so many bugs, but I’m confident that they’ll get it sorted.

I dont know what you are not getting. To me it is almost useless at this state. I know, its crazy!

For me it works very well now with and only after patch 3. However, my PC is for exclusive use of simulators and does not interfere with other software. For this I optimize the machine, because believe me. it is always necessary. Below I carried out this last experiment with the indications in the video below which helped a lot to make things easier around here. I have a 5800X3D, 4070ti pure an nvme with 2tb of 5500mb/s 64G DDR4 4000mhz running at 4320x2340 (4k + 12.5% ​​upscaling) in DLSS Quality to get rid of ghosts…

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Okay, but…

After the first 1000 people started playing it and reported the mess it is, were the developers surprised?

If they were, had they never seen it in its release state? Had they never played it?

I find it impossible to believe that they did not know what a mess it was before releasing it.

That makes me assume that they did know, and it was released anyway. Whether it is MS or Asobo is pointless because they represent each other in this endeavor. They are partners. They are both equally guilty.

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Wow, I finally was able to complete a successful IFR flight from KSNS to KSBA in the Seastar!

ATC worked and remained working. The TOD was a bit late, but I handled it.

The Honeywell Primus Epic 2 worked really well. It made the transition between FMS and LOC automatically when I selected Approach mode on the AP. The frequency was pre-selected, too.

I cannot believe it. I feel silly being so overwhelmed by this, but I have absolutely struggled with a myriad of issues stopping this from happening since launch.



What I get is that, because you insist on only flying a couple of planes, the game is nearly useless to you in this state. That does suck. What you don’t seem to get is that self-imposed limitation does not mean the game is, as a whole, for everyone, “nearly useless.” Your personal experiences aren’t all-inclusive. I know, it’s crazy!

And, fwiw, I just did two half hour flights in two different inibuilds airliners. Both worked great for me.


I can confirm I can see all those VOR’s and the same flight plan. I just can’t do anything with the Seastar as it won’t respond to any kind of input be it via Hotas or mouse on throttle, no axis are working. I couldn’t even start it C&D. Something seriously bugged on my end apparently. First aircraft I’ve loaded into that wont respond to control inputs, levers move by mouse but engines don’t respond, flap lever moves, but no flaps deployed etc. I’ve even deleted the streamed package and re-loaded. This sim is a mystery at times.

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They’re not. 100% confident that Asobo knew the state that the game was in (one bit of evidence is how quickly they released a major patch fixing a LOT of stuff. This was all known and being worked on before release.) and would liked to have held back. But MS is the big boss holding the purse strings and making the big decisions. They said, “We’ve named it and hyped it as MSFS 2024. Gotta release in 2024. This is Gold day. Whatever is done then, release it. You can fix it afterwards.” Asobo does not have the contractual standing to say no.


That is SO weird. It has been one of the few aircraft that has consistently behaved for me.

I did have one issue, yesterday, that a reinstall of the sim resolved. I even started a thread pondering this:

Isn’t it, though?!

The sim is indeed a mystery - yesterday morning I stepped away from my work laptop to go boot up my gaming PC and update FS2024. I loaded into a test scenario to confirm functionality and general performance. All good, so I quit the sim after a few minutes and put my gaming PC to sleep.

FFW a few hours to the end of my work day. I woke my gaming PC and launched the sim again, tried to load into my test scenario and CTD as soon as I clicked the Ready to Fly button. Launched the sim again and repeated the test. Again, a CTD at Ready to Fly.

I rebooted my PC, launched the sim AGAIN, and this time everything worked fine. Why rebooting my entire PC should be necessary after launching and quitting the sim is something I’ve never had to do in 4+ years of FS2020.

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It is really, really strange.

The issue I was working on with Working Title over the navdata had them really flummoxed and then to have it just magically resolve itself over night is even weirder.

As of last night I am unable to load to any flight, anyone else having this issue?