Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 General Feedback

Hi all,

First the context: I have been playing Flight Simulator for 43 years since SubLogic.
I am a private pilot IRL on DR460 and DA40.
I have some experience in dev because I have been a computer scientist by trade since the 90s.
I have been on MSFS 2024 since the first day and the first hours of November 19, 2024. All versions of Flight simulator combined I have more than 50,000 flight hours.
I pride myself on never having used the fast mode for flights which brings me to 730 hours in career mode in 2 and a half months and not on MSFS 2020 either. From the beginning with my friends we switched to ONAIR because the career and our hobby.
These last 15 days in the game in career mode I managed to buy and fly a B737MAX without having to use any fuel cheats or other tips to pass the levels faster.
But now Iā€™m about to crack because your product is starting to be a big mess:

  • UCFO we appear directly in the No Fly Zone (yes)
  • Tens of millions of credits lost during the ALT+N to skip the passage loading
  • A flight from UCFO to OEJN that is impossible to validate or stop.
  • The ILS mode that is more like a landing than a landing
  • The flight stats that remain blocked at 301 Hours
  • The insurance that during a CRASH with ALT+N reimburses you the price of a pack of cigarettes.

Many things that made me contact you by ZEN ticket and for only response ā†’ Switch to the Beta and Insure your plane.

I bought the AVIATOR version on pre-order without any doubts after MSFS 2020 but this is a big rip-off.

Continue in this direction and you will lose loyal customers!
Capture d'Ć©cran 2025-02-02 102855
Capture d'Ć©cran 2025-02-02 102643


Agreed. No new content until existing content works as it should.


I think thatā€™s asking too much, after all they released a whole new game before finishing the previous one (msfs 2020)


Why arenā€™t you in the Beta?


I have been Using MFS2024 Since Day One. I know it still needs work. However, One Thing that Needs to Be worked On is Missions. I absolutely love having Something to do or the motivation to play the sim, But There needs to be an option to save and reload the Mission.

We all have lives. I donā€™t have time to spend 6 Hours on a Medievac Flight. I love doing them, But I canā€™t sit 6 hours nonstop to finish the mission. Please add a Save and Reload Mission Function.


I am not sure if our problems are the sameā€¦ but I have the Velocity one trim wheel and you have to basically activate the wheel after the sim starts or it will do exactly as you are seeing. By Activate, I mean work the wheel while in outside view until it settles down then move it to the takeoff trim spot. After that it seems to function properly. Hope that helps.

I havenā€™t read your thread but try out SimTrim on Great little app that fixes the issues with these types of trim wheels. Works well. Simhanger did a review on YT recently.

Yeah it does seem like itā€™s that same issue but the only problem is it is fine before the flight when Iā€™m on the ground and flying around before autopilotā€¦ itā€™s only when Iā€™m in the air and have auto pilot onā€¦ then turn it offā€¦ that it happensā€¦ and like I said game controller mouse keyboard no wheelā€¦and it didnā€™t start happening untill about a week ago with no problems with many many flights previous

I will post a more detailed version of this at some point, but for now all I can say is:

  1. The sheer number of bugs and glitches this sim has is almost too many to know where to start reporting. I feel like I couldnā€™t keep up with reporting the glitches because new ones come up faster than I can type a report up for the last one.

  2. The user interface in fs2020 was bad, but fs2024ā€™s user interface/gui is just on another level of awkward, slow, clunky, janky, inefficient, outdated, sloppy, and really really glitchy, I mean the sliders on half the settings donā€™t even work properly, the numbers glitch out when you move it, and if you move it to the far right side, it ignores it and goes back to where it was before. Every time I bloody open the camera settings in flight, it AUTOMATICALLY puts me in cockpit for no reason, even if I was in drone or external view. If Iā€™m in home cockpit mode, unlikely in fs2020, I canā€™t switch views, EXCEPT if I open the camera settings manually and click the external view box. I canā€™t press the camera switch view button to get back to the cockpit view. Scroll bar often decides to stop working too in most menus.

  3. Iā€™ve never seen such an improvement in graphics and appearance in gaming thatā€™s at the same time failed so miserably to do itself justice. It nearly couldnā€™t be possible to have done such a poor job at utilizing the improved graphical features/resolution/detail.

The clouds donā€™t even look that much better, the lighting is a bit better, but itā€™s not night and day difference at all, the clouds still look like puffy pixelated blobby cotton wool and thereā€™s still loads of film grain stuff going on thatā€™s super obvious.

Trees, while theyā€™re good resolution, they are very repetitive, and inaccurate, and unlike fs2020 where there were far too many tall trees in areas where it was inappropriate, now there are FAR too many medium sized round trees, and far too few tall thin or triangular conifer-type trees. Trees also have some strange colours that donā€™t fit in very well in many places. Also tree placement is very hit and miss, Iā€™ve found several dozen forests already with virtually no trees covering them, or just a few shrubs instead. Trees are also too straight, and way too many trees are the same size and height and thickness, there needs to be more variation. Seasons are also very weird, like they donā€™t evolve like seasons really do in real life, they suddenly change, they change at the wrong times of the year, and then in winter, thereā€™s like some areas that donā€™t seem to lose leaves at all, even though theyā€™re not evergreen trees. It would be good to see treeā€™s leaning over, or fallen over, or branches on the floor, and just varied tree sizes and thickness to create realistic look. Also a major flaw in the treeā€™s Iā€™ve noticed is because of the lack of branches on the bottom 1-4meters of the trees, and the invariability of this across all trees, you can see through miles of forest when youā€™re at eye height, it looks stupid and weird and really unnatural to see such a straight line of light under a dense forest. There are also far too many trees in cities and streets.

Cars look like absolute ā– ā– ā– ā– , and behave even more erratically than in fs2020, stacking inside each other, crashing into each other at, EVERY, EVERY SINGLE intersection and roundabout, not just some odd mistakes. The headlights glitch at night with square boxes showing around the edge of the lit area in front of them, and the street lamps flicker randomly like some storm hit a power station or something! Lots of cars also appear to be frozen randomly which is odd. Cars are often going up and down cul-de-sacs at 50mph going endlessly back and forth sometimes in an area 5 meters long, its just ridiculous.

Buildings, especially photogrammetry, OH MY GOODNESS, I thought fs2020 photogrammetry up close looked a bit dark and weird, but in fs2024, whole buildings have been turned into cliffs and massive 100meter tall and wide rocks. And in some places Iā€™ve noticed weirdly, photogrammetry has been removed for just one block, and replaced with an autogen building that looks 10x worse than the photogrammetry.

Autogen is still just absolutely stupid looking, and I;'ve found some weird stuff in 2024 I never found in 2020. Like houses with absolutely ginormous roofs for no reason, tons of houses without doors, houses inside other houses, back to front houses, schools that are assumed to be shopping malls!!! like wtf! Shops that have 2meters of nothing at the first bit, the windows and doors are like 2m above the groundā€¦ weird looking churches that donā€™t seem to look like even a generic church would look, whole cities where not a single two story buildingcan be found, but in real life that city has virtually no 1 story housesā€¦ how could it be soo inaccurate?

  1. Audio/sound design/spatial sound design - Fs2020 was ā– ā– ā– ā–  in this regards, doppler effect was rubbish, reverb or spatial simulation was rubbish sounding and transitions were horribly abrupt and weird and obvious (from close sounds, to far sounds), planes were FAR too quiet, or FAR too loud, and there was a horrible distorted super low rumble almost all the time. FS2024 isnā€™t much better, except the rumble seems to have reduced. In the case of some planes, thereā€™s virtually no volume at all, the planes only make a tiny empty boring whizzing sound when they go close to you. Thereā€™s no obvious doppler effect except that when a plane passes by, it goes down in pitch, and itā€™s really quite boring and low effort IMO.

  2. Accuracy/quality of the default aircraft seems very inconsistent. A400M from my experience so far is not very powerful or maneuverable compared to real life. For some reason the 737 is very weird on the stick, it moves very abruptly with TINY TINY TINY movements, and then weakly with further movements.

  3. Performance, Im using a 3070 and I canā€™t see much difference from using the frame generation, and even if I do, the game still stutters so who cares if I get extra frames? Stuttering is more annoying than low smooth frame rate.

  4. Crashing - A Lot of crashes.

  5. Online functionality/Streaming - Multiplayer is basically a toss of a coin, whether it works or not, or shows players or not. Also AI traffic too, and realtime traffic, in fact Iā€™ve barely seen a single plane from the traffic. Player labels donā€™t seem to show. Sometimes because of the streaming, my aircraft will judder and move suddenly around in location, which is very annoying obviously.

  6. Loading times are like 5minutes for me every time. Thatā€™s longer than fs2020.

  7. Drone camera is as broken as it was in fs2020.

  8. Replay mode is so bad and low resolution and shoddy it may as well not work at all.

  9. Freelook, as it was in fs2020, is still really janky and weird to use, you canā€™t move small increments, you canā€™t move linearly, it seems to want to slow you down in certain areas and speed you up in others, its really weird, I donā€™t get why it cant just be like Minecraft or something, where you just move the mouse, and the view position changes, and thatā€™s it.

  10. Slew mode doesnā€™t work. When you place the aircraft on a taxiway or runway, it just flies off at 400mph when you get out of slew modeā€¦ In 90% of cases, so when you try it 10 times, eventually it worksā€¦ And slew mode is just really weird to use anyway, and it always was. SOOO hard to control the rotate slew for example, it just rotates like 40 degrees with one slight tap on the keyboard.

  11. Some planes have taken to sliding off the runway sideways when I slow down after landing, without even windā€¦ Just slide sideways? What? And similarly, when taking off, some planes have just decided to turn all the way left or right for no reason, and in such a way that even if I was banking full left the whole time, would be impossible.

  12. Aerodynamic physics fo paragliding is absolutely crazy, I donā€™t even know what else to say, it just makes no sense.

  13. For some reason the A400M (at least, I havenā€™t tried all planes yet) engineā€™s cant be controlled by keyboard in the same accuracy as other planes, each time you press throttle up, or kinda jumps like 15% and it takes ages to respond.

  14. Some of the default cockpit views for factory aircraft are set off center, so clearly someone didnā€™t take the time to get that right, which is just ā€¦ disappointing and shows a lack of effort or attention to detail, like many of the other points do as well.

I could go on for a while but I donā€™t want to get into full detail as I donā€™t have time anyway.

Unfinished, rushed, lazy, awkward, lacking attention to detail, clumsy, sloppy, unpredictable, unstable and unreliable are just a few words that donā€™t come close to being able to capture the experience of this ā€˜ā€˜simulatorā€™ā€™.


This made me laugh. Sorryā€¦

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Sad part is that youā€™re getting into stuff that has no business being looked at or talked about until you can take off, fly to an airport, and land successfully more than 50% of the timeā€¦ and tree shapes? How about getting the mountains to stop blinking and rapidly shrinking and growingā€¦ or just the ground in general.

I just fired up 2024 and tried to set a flight on the A320Neo v2, because of course, ā€œ90% of the addons will work just dropping them in communityā€ was a blatant lie. FBW A32NX, one of the most known add ons, doesnā€™t work, just asā€¦ well, most of them, after all almost all devs had to develop a new version.

So much hiccups, so much lag, so clumsy interface, then the ATC working out anything but correct messages, textures wonā€™t loadā€¦

Fired up 2020, everything worked out beautifully.

I just throwed away 180USD, and I feel scammed.

2024 has potential, but needs at least another year, and even then who knows what we will have.

Iā€™m never buying again an MSFS pre release. This was just scamming people.

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Iā€™d vote Msfs 2024 the worst new release in 2024 if there was a poll.


Testing some GA aircraft today; I had two successful flights early this morning (well ā€¦ successful if I choose to ignore the complete disaster that the SR22ā€™s windshield is).

Next I load the C182T yet again via the Marketplace/My Stuff tab (it seems to periodically ignore my instructions), restart MSFS, choose the 182T, choose a livery, choose the airport ā€“ which is NEVER in the Eastern Pacific ā€“ choose a starting point and load the flight.

ā€¦ only to discover that the typical keyboard commands are ignored (to move around or enter the cockpit). Not again. Reload the flight. Same.

Quit the flight, choose a default aircraft (172) and try this malarkey again. No keyboard. The keyboard does work, when I am not trying to remove chocks and enter the cockpit, and does work for anything outside the sim. I simply cannot go from standing at the cowling to anywhere else.

Quit the sim. Restart the sim. Do all of that again. No keyboard.

Quit the sim. Restart the computer. Restart the sim. Do it all again. No keyboard.

Wasted hours. Yet again.

Itā€™s laughable.

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Really appreciate your post you may get accused of being a parrot but how does one argue with all the points you make? I have had a very different experience that I will share with our community Be interesting to listen to the different perspectives. Here is my particular case:

  1. Got very helpful advice because I could not launch FS 24 with the Direct X 12 issue with my underpowered AMD RX 580 Upgraded to AMD RX 7800XT and added 32GB RAM Problem Solved
  2. Now flying FS 24 in GA aircraft, finally mastered the control Mapping and able to use both my Velocity One Flight controller and the Thrustmaster Hotas for my Helicopters and e VTOL
  3. In my opinion, every simmer has different needs and levels of experience I have learned from Russ Barlow 5 Red Flags why flight Simulators may not be for you that computer problem solving is really one of the fun aspects of Simulated Flying I am working on the Knowledge test for the IFR ticket so I need as much authenticity in the avionics suite as I can get
  4. Too be totally honest I donā€™t get much real worlld help from any of the five (5) sims I fly Xplane 11; X plane 12; MSFS 2004; MSFS 2020; or MSFS 2024 All the Training is fundamental and useful for the entry level student pilot but reaches a limited level of usefulness when it comes to real world instrument approaches But to be fair, itā€™s only a gaming sim Not a real world trading tool
  5. So in conclusion,I use Xplane for avionics and flight dynamics and MSFS for VFR Sight seeing which is awesome
  6. I look forward to Microsoft/Asorbo with coninious improvements in getting the Bugs out My experience is only PC and I am not qualified to comment on consoles and Xbox Thank you to all the M S Forum leadership for their vision planning and implementation of this very useful website

Unless you are going to simply use mid-air free-flight and avoid airports, you are going to hit an unacceptable amount of bugs.

I think there could be merit in treating the thing like an expensive preview release and visiting it after each update, to see what got fixed.

I understand their focus is on the Marketplace at present, which is an irrelevance to me, as I am not spending more money on a game that is (& will likely remain) unstable and unfinished for a very long time to come.


I was wrong it wonā€™t be airworthy product in marchā€¦ Now pointing in June, letā€™s seeā€¦ :thinking: :wink:


Come on Asobo, this may help a lot GitHub - NVIDIA-RTX/RTXNTC: NVIDIA Neural Texture Compression SDK
edit: Nvidia's new tech reduces VRAM usage by up to 96% in beta demo ā€” RTX Neural Texture Compression looks impressive | Tom's Hardware

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I admire your optimism. To be fair, you wisely did not specify a year when referring to June.