Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 General Feedback

How do I install Premium Deluxe content? I’m on the page and there’s just… no install option. Edit: Rebooted and it’s going through the entire painfully slow loading process all over again. We’ll see what happens this time, I guess.

Servers look busy… I’m waiting with this until xmas holidays. :joy:

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stuck at 97% for at least 30 min

“loading unusally long…”

don’t know if i need to abort or leave it there


Where’s the 737 in the sim? I see about 8 aircarft in the free flight and a few more in Marketplace under My Library. Is it not here for some reason?

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Leave it… also resist the urge to restart the sim if you get the notice that you need to reload to get your 2020 content. I did… same load time second time. still loading


Not sure what that’s all about.

Yeah I have this same issue. This would very bad if you could not get it until the marketplace opens. There would be a lot of very angry people (myself included) if you paid for aviator and can’t access any of the content! IMHO


I’m getting the same.


It’s transfering data from FS 2020. Loading depend on the the content size, it can take some time to load.


I can’t play. Someone help me please!
I can’t even open the game, it gives the error: “impossible to create DirectX12 device Error 0x887a0004(DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED)”. My graphics card is Rx580s, it supports Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024! I’ve already downloaded the latest video card drivers, I’ve tried downloading Directx12 from the Microsoft website but it says it’s the most up-to-date version.

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Restart the SIM.
Use the on screen narrator so you press the right buttons and sailed thru.
Got as far as setting up the A10 at a local airfield but flight wouldn’t load.
Got hungry gave up will try later

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Same here on Xbox S
Just hangs at the Customize Identity title page with no way to proceed to the next page.

Restarting didn’t help either.

oh it went it. started a career, but the Instructor told me to get into the 172, but it looks alot like a Pitts with a dead battery LMAO. restarted. and now I have to go through the loading again for another hour.

5000 points awarded! Have fun!

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I’m in the same situation, with the same graphic card :frowning:

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It would have been nice if a MOTD noted the process (not auguring the time sink as database transfers can take hours, but rather whats going on)

Why is it reloading like the first time every time. This is far worse that 2020 fo loading times.
I am also missing all the aircraft I have like 5.
so far not impressed and I have been on the MSFS journey since the first beta of 2020


not the only one

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ok thanks for the info … I guess I’ll let it sit for a little while longer before calling it a day for today.

It’s just odd seeing other users (admittedly on PC), who have a lot more content than have, skip to the next page instantly, whereas mines been stuck for over an hour now at Customize Identity

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short sad story:

missing or corrupted files at startup

repaired…unistalled…no way to start.

lucky me