Mid-air refueling would be a great extension!

wouldn’t it be great if in a future version it would be possible to refuel with a jet mid-air? an option in the bar that makes a refueling plane appear in front of you? as a mini game :slight_smile: is already implemented in a similar way with the gliders, the cesna, which pulls one up on the rope. kind of. Of course, the choice of jets is still limited. no matter. I would celebrate!

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Topic moved into the wishlist for community voting of a requested feature.

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Voted; I would love this feature! It would also be cool to do multiplayer refueling (i.e. one player receiving fuel, one flying the tanker, and one controlling the boom/drogue), but even just a singleplayer mission would be great!

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Voted! It’ll be fun indeed. More importantly, realistic.

I like the idea; it would give the upcoming freeware KC-10 and C-17 a lot more utility. Not to mention all the countless existing military jets in the sim; it gives those users a purpose that is more than just buzzing around at Mach 2

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I love AR in DCS. I suspect, though, given the number of DCS users who regard it as a seemingly impossible exercise in frustration, that if it were ever to be implemented in MSFS, it would be massively dumbed down.


The DC Designs / JF Phantom is halfway there …when you open the IF refuelling probe your fuel starts to increase.
…A nice little detail I think! :slight_smile:

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The difficulty is what makes it so rewarding! When you hear Jester calling those fuel numbers out, oh man…

Yes, for sure. But let’s face it, MS will never put anything this sim with such potential to frustrate users. DCS is a different crowd: fanatically devoted to one particular facet of aviation, typically with really good or at least mid level controls.

Basically, I think anyone interested in even marginally realistic tactical flight ops is probably wasting their time in MSFS; it’s simply not what this sim is intended for or will ever be. Everything from flight models to systems modeling to procedures is, while of course far from perfect in DCS, far superior to MSFS. It’s just always going to be that way. If a person is interested enough in niche tactical ops that they’re looking for realistic AR, DCS is probably the place for that, is all.


Voted! Would be nice to see in 2020 or 2024!

I’m inclined to agree. The easiest in DCS to AR is the A10 and it’s still pretty friggin hard.

It would have to be gamified y’know like “press F to begin refueling” that only shows up when you’re in the right spot.

And I’d expect my MSFS aerial refueling to allow for mods. Imagine a 737 flying behind a KC135 for a fill up :rofl: (then again, you might see the generic a380 clipping through the tanker because you don’t own the F14 that it’s supposed to be)

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Actually, all the conditions are already in place to at least represent it visually, you can use the " TouchingCloud airshow assistant " (my absolute favorite addon) to have an aircraft of your choice appear right in front of your nose, the only thing missing is the hose and the fuel that flows

Aerial Refueling or at least the framework to allow fuel transfer between client tanker and receiver.


They have not decided on Multiplayer compatability and is likelly to be an external executable to run it.

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totally great when you see that an idea becomes a product, I like it a lot and will of course buy it straight away

Not sure where you got those two from…

Definitely not an external executable - it all runs within the sim. Hence, PC and Xbox compatible.

MP Compatibility is to be decided. There are several limitations, but there may be ways around it.

here it is


Yes, I tried it this week and it’s wonderful, I love it, I bow down!

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