Milviz C310R Official Thread

Got the new RC this morning. Can’t get the 310 started. Anyone else?
Nevermind…switched through fuel tanks and now it’s good to go.

Hi all,

We are not going to release this until MS has opened up the Marketplace again as we’re not sure what the issue is… and we’d hate to have to do the whole process of releasing, only to find out that we have to do fixes (again).

If you bought it direct from us, you may get it (as we now consider this the gold) from our forums.


So how do we get it from the forum? I’ve clicked the link but the download stops after downloading only 100mb or less

Just a note… I tried to download over 6 times straight with firefox and it failed. Tried with Edge and it worked right off.

Two notes… Edge works better on the downloading side of things…

You may not use this version if you didn’t buy it direct from us.

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Thanks, took your advice and downloaded using Edge and have now installed the update.

MS has turned off submissions of aircraft and sceneries (as well as anything else) so we CANNOT put it in. As well, we have concerns about why they did this… so… we will leave it as it is.

Next time, buy it direct from us and you won’t have to wait.

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i find this horribly confusing. it’s a great plane as is. the service pack will come out soon enough. go enjoy the plane and don’t get upset over things you can’t control.

seriously, if the plane was completely broken i could understand a little consternation but it’s just not.


The combo of PMS50 mod for GNS530 and my mod for KAP140 (both on github) seem to work as before. I have not found any recent new issues (yet) with that combo. If present the PMS50 mod will be used in C310R emulation in place of the WT GNS530W mod in the marketplace.

In todays release post, Milviz is recommending this combo of 3 mods:
which does indeed include a new KAP. You can use gns530 in panel and the gtn750 will run in the background.
The PMS50 KAP code is recently updated and I have not had time to test fully yet.

The WTT ‘stuff’ is more advanced emulation of the GPS with many improvements including in approach processing. Note: you need to use the ARM button with the WTT KAP to capture an altitude.

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Nothing to do with the manufacturer having a dispute, NOBODY can submit aircraft updates to the Marketplace at the moment because of a bug. This is why I don’t buy aircraft from the Marketplace.

Marketplace aircraft are encrypted by Microsoft, it’s not that simple.

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Maybe, but definitely not by Milviz.

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You’re only stupid if you knew this already and still went ahead with a purchase. There’s quite a few of us who have genuine concerns with buying aircraft from the marketplace for varying reasons.

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Why is it that I have to register for a forum to get an update? Can’t customers be emailed a link to download the update? It would seem a better approach.


they like making things harder.


Why would there be a warning, the plane works fine on the whole? You might have to wait a little longer for the update, but it’s hardly a scam.

Might be better if you don’t buy any more MSFS products in case you get ‘scammed’.

The reason is that we only allow proven buyers of our products to access the support forums. Otherwise, we’d have pirates galore taking builds without paying for them.

Whilst you may think/consider that somehow we’re messing (scamming) by somehow not giving you the build on the marketplace, it’s because MS has BLOCKED us, as well as ALL other devs, from putting up new builds, or even new products, temporarily. So… You will have to be patient. I know it’s hard but there ya go.

In terms of simplicity of purchase, quite honestly, it’s easier than most online stores. It’s a bit click heavy because we want you to READ what’s being said so you’re aware of what’s happening. But it’s otherwise simple.

Finally, if you wish to use the marketplace, that’s fine. It’s your money and your choice but… you will ALWAYS have to wait for them to onboard the updates/products. We cannot control what they do or when they do it.


Can it be released to Orbx please?


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Hello everyone,

this is a friendly reminder to stay constructive and not direct posts against others!

Thank you for your understanding.