Milviz C310R Official Thread

Hi, there was an update today for Milviz C310R from PMS50, updating the WTT package.

There is a comment in their discord channel saying that we could access the AP functionalities through standard H:APGA events.

Does anyone knows how to do it? I am not able to find anything called AGPA in spadnext and I am assuming I need to install something extra maybe?

I lost some functionalities from my honeycomb bravo after the update and I was wondering if anyone knows what are those APGA events.


The APGA project is described in this file found in the standard PMS50 mod for gtn750 in this directory:


The PMS50-defined AP events start on page 9.

As you mentioned PMS50 team posted a new version of the WTT mod today,
(pms50-gtn750wtt-aircraft-milviz-cessna310) and the structure was changed so the override mod I created yesterday no longer works. I will not be revising my WTT-specific patch mod at this time.

There are over 74 new code changes in the new KAP140 mod PMS50 team released. This will need to be reviewed carefully. I advise everyone interested to test with the new PMS50 version of KAP140 and report on the “GTN750 Project” Thread or on discord. I suggest not using this C310R thread.

My original KAP140 mod can continue to be used on the C310R when the Pms50 GTN750-WTT add on is not in community folder. That includes flying with basic GTN750 mod without the WTT addition.

Mods In Community == KAP140 Mod used

  • No gtn750 == new-kap140 or Asobo original
  • pms50-instrument-gtn750 == new-kap140 or Asobo original
  • pms50-instrument-gtn750+pms50-gtn750wtt-aircraft-milviz-cessna310 == PMS50-authored
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I use it for local flights up to about 150 miles in FS Economy with 4-5 passengers. Love to hand fly in VFR or IFR most of the time. By far the best experience so far in MSFS IMO.


Same this is all i have been flying in FSEconomy since i bought it.

I am curious how the handling compares with the Beechcraft Baron (which is a pretty similar class of plane really.) I do a lot of hours in the Baron B58 and enjoy it thoroughly, but it would be nice to have something with steam guages for a change (although, don’t get me wrong, I love the G1000nxi!)

Can anyone explain a little about the failures settings on this aircraft. I have not bought it yet and I am wondering what the failure implementation is like. Would an engine fail only because of neglect and abuse or can things just fail at random? I am just wondering if you can lose an engine on takeoff without expecting it (as in real life).

Suggest you head over to the website and grab the manual. It’s free and makes for great “flight” reading… (see what I did there?).

All of the info you’re looking for is in there.


Thank you very much. I didn’t know I could do that but I sure will now.

Just recreated the one flight I took in a real C310 many years ago (owned by one of the principles of SubLogic, for you old-timers!) and it certainly felt as I remembered it! Air in the sim was a bit more stable than the air the day I flew. The C310 was as challenging to manually keep at a specific altitude as the real thing. Bravo.

Did it in VR and it felt a lot like the real thing.

Wonderful job, Milviz!


Just had my first ever failure. Confirmed Right Engine failure with the DME readout.

The right engine went out twice very briefly, but restarted itself quickly both times, which surprised me. I didn’t need to do anything at all for it to restart. Is it common for an engine to restart itself like that?

Depends why it stopped in the first place, if it was a fuel issue like flooding or fuel starvation yes it can once the issue is resolved. It can actually be dangerous, an engine unexpectedly restarting on it’s own can even flip you into a spin if it is at full throttle. Hence the need to cut power and feather a failed engine until you are ready to try an intentional restart.


For Little Nav Map users, I’ve created an C310R aircraft performance file based of PoH figures using fuel burn and TAS from 7500 feet:


Cessna 310R.lnmperf (2.0 KB)


Yes (embarrassed cough) I can confirm this to be true :cold_sweat:

Brilliant. Thanks so much !

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So, there should be an update this week?

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We’re adding some stuff. Waiting on the model/paint and one of our devs has family stuff.

Maybe Friday but more likely next week.


New Milviz customer here. Do we get an email when the update is available or do we have to check ourselves?

Purchased through your own store

When the Service Pack is ready, you will be sent an email along with a link to download. For Orbx and Marketplace customers, as soon as it’s available, we will send it to them but it’s on them to post it. So we would have zero control about when those sites would release.



I’m really enjoying the 310. Put like 30h on it so far. Great job all around guys

Edit: fixed typo


Thanks… It’s appreciated. The team worked really hard on this one… and they deserve all the accolades…