As far as I know, the analogue version is a free update for all those who bought the Glass version at the marketplace. But it is not yet available there, which I find somewhat customer-unfriendly. Only those who bought directly from Blackbird can enjoy it. Customers who bought from the marketplace are apparently second-class customers
…and: does the Blackbird PC-6 model adverse yaw?
I don’t think it does, the ball doesn’t move a bit in turns.
Patience is key. Marketplace is not friendly to developers in that it can take weeks or even months to get something in and, as we’re still fixing stuff, we haven’t put it in there yet.
So, next time, buy it direct. We get more $ and you get it right away, without waiting.
Yes. it does model adverse yaw. All of our products do.
Good to know. Such a fun plane.
I just can’t get that ball to drop in a turn. (make it move outside of the middle at all) Wondering how realistic that is, all turns perfectly coordinated without rudder?
Is that something all sim developers do silently, scale adverse yaw down, to not frustrate the majority of users who have no rudder pedals? If so, could it be made a clickable option in the plane itself? (realistic yaw, rudder behaviour Y/N)
And what about that strong sudden lateral acceleration of the tail, the moment the tail lifts off in the takeoff roll? Is that realistic in its quantity? IRL taildragger pilots, what do you say?
I have no way to know, but I have good rudder pedals, and it seems excessive. Clips of IRL PC-6 pilots’ “footwork” in the take of roll (see above) seem to look less complicated than the sim behaviour. Can’t imagine a plane would behave like that IRL, or we would hear more accident reports. And that’s without any crosswind.
Whilst we are on flight model questions, can you say what the values are for the ground handling vars introduced in SU9 ? ie the main/max crosswind and the high speed tire friction scalars? I would check myself but I can’t seem to find the flight model cfg…
Here are the values I’m referring to:
These two values set how much LATERAL friction you get from the nose/tail (ie steering) wheel and the main gear.
Do you have any assists on?
We will look at this again today.
For all other questions, support forums please. I don’t have the answers.
Ok, I did ask there before but shall post up again.
We may not give you the answers… because some stuff is considered “secret”…
I won’t get into whether or not it’s correct… however, do note that Asobo has admitted that there are issues with transitions between air and ground…
I absolutely understand that devs may not wish to disclose IP on their flight model, which is only fair.
But given the well-documented problems with ground handling and the excessive weather-vaning effect present in MSFS, it would be good to know if any tuning using any of the 4 variables above has been applied - it effects tail-draggers particularly badly.
Interestingly, we can see that the Asobo DC-3 has had some applied as has the new CJ4 (not a taildragger but notoriously susceptible to weathervaning) and I know from my own testing that the variables can greatly improve ground handling on the TO and landing roll - which is the very sort of problem @PlatosCave4408 has flagged. My own experience of the PC-6 is that cross-wind roll-outs are challenging even in mild conditions. But that’s true of nearly every aircraft in the sim!
definitely no assists. checked that off a long time ago and just again to be sure.
We’ve just checked and if you’re talking about the turn coordinator ball, then it absolutely works.
I sometimes wonder, if a simple - but buried deep in the code - error could be the culprit. Like feeding a lateral forces parameter’s unit that is measured in meters with numeric values for feet… Would result in a three times overblown impact on the airframe. And correlates with the annoyingly unstable “reality” in the sim…
I think you are right. There is some power-law at work because the effect grows sharply with relative speed. New tire friction model and all will be great - but still an aircraft-by-aircraft solution. But like you I suspect there is one specific value or equation that is wrong.
And we do have to remember Asobo does have form for getting its knots, m/s and fps mixed up…
I just tried to download the last version 1.1.7 of PC6 on blackbird’s site, but I get this error.
Any idea what can solve this?
Uninstall the old version first. Then install the new one.
There is a sticky at the top of our support forum for that:
Please check the following:
If you are using an add-on linker you must insure that any symbolic links to the previous version have been removed.
Please insure you have removed the previous version prior to installing the new one using add/remove programs in Windows control panel.
If you have broken your install by removing MSFS and not uninstalling our product you may need to run this Microsoft tool to remove the broken install. … f927e1eb4d
Choose the option for uninstalling and choose the product from the list.
- If you use an add-on linker you must follow the directions in the installer - IE extract the folder to your desktop or C:\ drive, then move it to your community folder.
Thanks a lot for prompt response.
Symbolic link removal did it.
just flew the v2 glass and the AP is not working for me - wont capture altitude and the altitude on the PFD seems to roll up an down without me interacting with the dial. I dont have it hotkeyed to anything.
I’ll try again tomorrow - lateral nav seems fine.
I also thought when you hit the AP connect after take off it capture the direction and vs - it did not - it just dived and levelled. (it does with other aircraft with similair units)
Question to all Blackbird PC-6 sim pilots out there: when you enter a turn, do you see any significant turn coordinator ball movement? Do you feel any adverse yaw then? Do you need any rudder, to do a coordinated turn?
(common wisdom seems to be the Asobo flight model is fundamentally flawed (or more specifically has a bug in the lateral forces parameter range) and does not produce adverse yaw realistically by itself. Only when plane makers intentionally patch it with scaled up corrections would it get closer to more realistic behaviour.)
my story here: built myself a sim rig with the best mainstream hardware one can get short of a full motion simulator: Honeycomb Alpha yoke, Bravo throttle, Thrustmaster TPR rudder.
MSFS experience with it:
In the air (Dr. Jekyll): why did you get rudder pedals in the first place stupid, never needed except in emergencies. Coordinated turns: just a myth, don’t believe the IRL pilots.
On the ground (Mr. Hyde): no matter how great your rudder pedals are: you can’t control the extreme yaw movements of the plane (evil laughter) . Taildraggers are the devil‘s airplane.
Looks like the ground handling vars have not been used.