Missing AI Traffic Liveries

I have been unable to find any recent posts regarding this.

I have liveries installed for A320, A320 V2, 747, and 787 - all the most frequently present aircraft - but none of them are showing up in game. I have “Generic AI” set to off. They were working before MSFS 2024 launched oddly enough. I was wondering if this has to do with the ongoing Marketplace issues, or if it is something else, something new perhaps?

They are 4Simmers liveries, if that is relevant.

Steps Taken:
1: Reinstalling.
2: Restarting the game.

Note: Just curious while on the topic, but the “Ground Aircraft Density”…is that hardcoded (static) planes on the ground or does that refer to AI planes?

Did you look under other installed airplanes?
You can probably find your A320 livery under the liveries of another plane.For example under the C172 or SR22 or Robin…
You should look in every planes livery section.


Oh. I am referring to the live traffic not my own plane. The livery on my plane shows up just fine. It is a liveries not showing on the AI/MP planes issue.

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Moved to User Support Hub that is more appropriate for community support.

Title updated to better reflect what the issue is.

Same issue. Does anyone have a solution? United, Spirit, Frontier are okay for me but Southwest, American and others not so good.