Missing approach waypoints for iniBuilds KBUF

I’m missing approach waypoints for iniBuilds KBUF, and I’m wondering if anyone else sees the same. Specifically, ILS32 ELMMA DEPEW and ILS05 PLAZZ are missing. There may be others. I have no 3rd party NAV data installed. When I uninstall KBUF, the waypoints appear. When I install KBUF they disappear. This is easily checked on the world map. I have already submitted a support ticket to iniBuilds.

Thanks for you help checking this.

I just did some testing,

With ini KBUF installed and NaviGraph AIRAC, the waypoints show up in the list for the procedure, but not on the world map.

If I remove KBUF, same thing, they don’t show up on the map.

If I remove Navigraph AIRAC, still the same, they don’t show up.

That said, I don’t know that it is supposed to, possibly because it’s just part of the procedure. It doesn’t show on the charts either…

And Depew is the same.

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Interesting and thanks for testing. I see the waypoints on the world map when KBUF is uninstalled. But, I’m not using NaviGraph AIRAC.

Yea, I don’t see them even when I remove it.

Someone else may know but I recall seeing this before on the forums, in that procedure points aren’t waypoints that would show up on the map.

Yes, I have seen that as well about procedures. I don’t care if they show up on the word map or not, but the problem is when I add these procedures to the 787 FMS or G1000nxi the waypoints are listed in the flight plan but they don’t show up on the map/plan. Maybe its a problem with the new avionics framework by WT which is common to 787 and G1000nxi?

Ah okay, I see what you’re saying.

Testing now for ya.

Fenix A320 with Navigraph and Stock KBUF.

Will test now with Ini.

With ini KBUF, I get the same results, waypoints show up on FMS.

I am now removing the AIRAC from the SIM and From the FENIX. and will see if it shows up.

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Stock nav data, ini KBUF and I still get it…

It has to be an issue with your NAV Data, or the 787…

Don’t think it’s an ini problem.

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You def need navigraph now days due to how slow navdata updates in game are

I use the stock NAV data. I appreciate the time you spent testing. I’ll need to investigate this a bit more to see what’s wrong on my end.


Without ini KBUF, the procedure waypoints show up just fine with stock/game nav data, so I don’t think its an update issue, but thanks for suggesting.

Are you doing it fms wise or World map?

FMS wise in the 787, G1000nxi, and VL-3 (whatever those avionics are). Same issue, waypoints show up in the flight plan but are not drawn on the map. Thanks!

You techinally don’t need waypoints,you can use dme and such like the olden days or get navigrapj

Marketplace or ini store?

You should put what system you run in your profile, so we know if you are on PC or Xbox. A lot of debugging depends on this information.

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Done. Thanks for the tip!

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iniStore for me.

I wonder if the iniStore version is more up to date? Marketplace versions tend to lag a bit.

What version are you on?

There hasn’t been an update in ages, current version is 1.0.2

That might work but I think navigraph will work better