Missing / Disappeared Trees

Yes, but no change. No autogen trees anywhere in the world.

Where is DATA ? In the fltsim.config?

You’re making it too hard, lol.

Go to General Options, and select on “Data” on the left. In there will be an option “Bing Data World Graphics” that has to be on (and “Online Functionality”). The Bing data is streamed, including the trees, not local.

At lease the top two options have to be on. It’s best if they’re all on, but that’s up to you.

But, given you’ve been editing files, there could be other issues as well now.

thank you. I have not been editing, but I used to do a lot of it in FSX. I will see what I did wrong in the Genl. Options.

somebody suggested I delete rolling cache (I have no idea what THAT is) but no change. Otherwise my options look like yours, everything is ON except data limitation, of course.

The next thing I would o then is make sure you are logged in properly in the Xbox app on your PC.

A couple of years ago I had an issue where my user got corrupted somewhere in either the store or Xbox app. I had to uninstall both apps, do a couple other things, then reinstall them before it got fixed. This was back when they had just released the new Xbox app, so that might have had something to do with it.

Either way, open the Xbox app and see if you’re actually logged in. My interface at the time looked like I was logged in, but I wasn’t.

You might try opening the store and Xbox app, logging out of them, rebooting your pc, then logging back in and see what happens.

I’m just stepping you through the easy stuff first.
I assume you’re on store and not Steam, btw?

I am on Store, and I am not sure where my X-Box App is if I need to log out and in.

Windows 10 or 11?
Search for “Xbox” in the taskbar and select the Xbox app. If you don’t have one, that’s your problem, but I’m pretty sure you do.

Edit: And, I’m glad you brought me here, turns out my Xbox app needed updating and I didn’t know.

As a side note, always make sure your Windows is totally up to date, and the Microsoft Store and Xbox app. Not having Windows and the apps up to date has caused havoc with people’s updating of MSFS in the past.

Thanks. Everything is up-to-date, as updates are automatic. Have been downloading store products, no problem. Only that my x-box box in the upper right of the screen is dead. It says offline but cannot be changed. I HAD trees in the beginning with the same settings. I opened the x-box app, disconnected, shut down, rebooted, connected on x-box. No change. Instead of trees worldwide I see black squares, and sometimes orange ones

This is your problem. All of your issues are symptoms of this problem. I had the same problem and symptoms. Even though the Xbox app said I was logged in, I wasn’t. Your user is corrupted and needs to get fixed.

I fixed it by logging out of and uninstalling both the Store and Xbox app, rebooting, making sure those installs were cleaned out, reinstalling the Store, logging in, and then the Xbox app, rebooting, and then logging into the Xbox app if I remember correctly.

You can google instructions on how to deal with a corrupt Xbox app user. You might also want to consider opening a ticket with Microsoft’s Zendesk, most likely with the Xbox Gaming group.

P.S. Logging out of both the Store and Xbox app and then logging back in wasn’t enough for me. I had to go through the whole process of cleaning the apps out. It may work better for you.

I did what you suggested but the OFFLINE thing in the upper right corner is still there. I still think it’s a setting that is wrong somewhere in the umpteen settings in FS that requiere a computer nerd to understand.

My big question is: Why do I need Xbox to run MSFS? Some users say it is not needed.

This is a screenshot from today.

Your PC also seems to be on aeroplane mode in that screenshot.

What is aeroplane mode?

Look at the bottom right, you don’t have an internet connection (according to windows at least) because you’ve turned off all connections. Aeroplane mode, like if you’re in a plane, you’re meant to have all connections off as it interferes with the aircraft.

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Your lack of connection has nothing to do with FS settings. You already showed me all the settings for FS that you have for connection, and you have them all turned on.

Those people who say you don’t need the Xbox app are wrong.

You have to have the Xbox app loaded on your computer, and you have to be signed into your user in it. If you do not, that is your problem. It needs to be on your computer, and you need to be logged in. I highly recommend you go to the Microsoft store app and install the latest Xbox app. You may have the old broken version, which would give you exactly the symptoms you are seeing.

Then again, I don’t know how you’ve been able to update your sim without it, as it’s been updated through that app for well over a year, nearly 2 years now.

Be that as it may, the little symbol up in the corner being gray means you are not signed into your user. You cannot access the online data without being signed into your Xbox user through the Xbox app and through the sim. That’s all there is to it. You can hope for another reason, but that’s all there is.

I suggest you read through what I went through in the story I gave above. My Xbox app was corrupt. It said I was signed in, but MSFS said I wasn’t. I had to go through a lot of work to get my Xbox app working properly again. This problem of having a corrupt Xbox app user is all googleable online and how to fix it.

<< You cannot access the online data without being signed into your Xbox user through the Xbox app and through the sim. That’s all there is to it. You can hope for another reason, but that’s all there is.>>

It changes to ONLINE when I enable Real Air Traffic

But I still have a card up my sleeve which I will play before re-install of MSFS, removing all Community add-ons and see if that makes a change.
fixing corrupt Xbox app is a topic found on Google but it seems all it recommends is to re-install the app.


Yes, that’s what it took for me to fix this problem when I had it (reinstalling the xbox app).

I had to log out of both the Windows Store app and the Xbox app, uninstall both, there might have been some further cleaning, I forget, it was a couple of years ago, and then reinstall the Windows Store app, then the Xbox app.

However, if you are getting online with Live Traffic turned on, then maybe that icon just states whether you have Live Traffic on, IOW, can you see other players or not, and it’s not a status of if you are online.

Yes, renaming Community to something different and creating an empty Community directory is a good idea when debugging. I have a directory called Community-Empty
 and when I upgrade, I rename Coummunity to Community-full and Community-Empty to Community.

I’m sorry, I forget, I assume you deleted your rolling cache, let it finish, quit MSFS, got back in and recreated the rolling cache, too? I recently saw somebody mention that when they were cleaning out their rolling cache, even though it said it was done creating the cache when they were recreating it, it didn’t, and he had to do it twice.

Edit: Here’s the post where somebody describes issues with “rebooting” your rolling cache

And I want to be clear, if you’re able to see “Live Traffic” you are connecting
 so there’s likely a different problem going on.

<<if you’re able to see “Live Traffic” you are connecting
 so there’s likely a different problem going on.>>
exactly. I have done all the many things I have been told on the forums. I have deletet and re-installed X-box many times. Emptied Rolling Cache more than once. My internet connection is flawless, and the whole MSFS works all right, incl. live weather and live traffic. What is not working - a problem that I seem to be the only one to have - is the missing trees, bushes and grass worldwide.
I will re-install MSFS completely, my dealer will help me with it.

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