Missing / Disappeared Trees

Has anyone ever had all their trees disappear?

They still show around custom airports, which probably have been placed by the designers, but all the world trees have gone!

I did have the NZ tree mod, and another one installed, but they only affect the community folder and should not have any affect when removed and the sim reloaded. Obviously currently it’s removed.

Trees are turned on and set to High or Ultra.

I’ve deleted the rolling cache and manual cache, these were off anyway. I tried to also create these and then delete them again. (These gave their own errors regarding the cache file size, but I’ve never used them anyway).

I’ve tried to rename the vegetation files in the hope the sim would redownload them, but nothing changed either. I’m just at a loss to find out what changed on the sim side to cause this.

Anyone had this issue recently? The last post about this was from mid last year, and deleting the cache seemed to help them.

Anyone have ideas? Any help is appreciated. I’m on PC, MS Store version.

Perhaps this is a bit of a bug going from beta to live and I’ll need to reinstall the sim? But I’m sure I did a flight after the change and everything worked as normal (8th March):

La Reunion 17th March

Ireland. But no trees anywhere in the world…

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I’m not sure this will help, but it is worth the effort.
Delete the “Content.xml” file from the sim’s Local Cache folder, and then try.


Yep. Chances are there is a rogue entry in Content.xml still overriding base sim.


Thanks guys, that’s the one I did forget to do.

Unfortunately it didn’t help, although my sim now loads faster at least! :grin:

Trees and grass can be disabled in the UserCfg.opt file

Enable developer mode, open the console and look through the errors/warnings for any clues.

Thanks for the suggestion. There’s quite a few errors in there, but most relate to the default aircraft. I can’t see anything regarding trees, vegetation or shapes etc.

Do all third party addons from the marketplace get installed to the community folder? I noticed the Working Title G1000 NXi does not, but I’m assuming that’s because WT is officially part of the MSFS team now.

It does look like SOME trees have returned after deleting the content.xml file which is strange.

Interestingly the vegetation files (like naturalvegetation.cgl) were not redownloaded when I renamed them to try to force that.

Deleting the ‘fs-base-vegetation-material-lib’ folder and the ‘vegetation’ folder in fsbase itself did trigger a download of 1gb or so. But I still have no trees, at all now lol. I really though that would help.

Looks like I will reinstall after the 22nd then…

Isn’t this fun?

Marketplace stuff goes into the Official folder.

Technically they’re both the same thing though. I don’t have any marketplace content other than those provided by the world updates etc.

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Have you tried with an empty Community folder?

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Yes first thing of course. Thanks for the suggestion though!

I think it will be a reinstall when they launch the update.

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hi there - I am having the same problem - no trees on mountains and on surfaces where it was before… I have no idea what triggered the change… I did not have it 3-4 days ago … any solutions?


Yeah same here, at least in Italy. They did mention a server side fix for having too many trees in the photogrammetry areas in Italy. Maybe that fix chopped down all the trees.

deleting rolling cache did it for me! others are reporting the same - i also had the “tree fix mod” installed from flightsim.to - I deleted now, everything is fine again!

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Unfortunately I didn’t have any rolling cache to delete. A complete reinstall did fix it however (I timed it with SU9’s release)

It has happened to me. Suddenly, in Western Canada there are no trees whatsoever. NONE. I have no clue when they disappeared and why. Help. :face_exhaling:

I’m surprised nobody suggested or mentioned that they checked to make sure “data” was turned on? This is exactly what you’ll see if your data gets turned off. FS loves to do this for you.

If you get disconnected, even just momentarily sometimes, FS “helps” you out by turning your Data Off for you, as if that’s what you wanted it to do (STOP IT!, Actually, they may have fixed this, I haven’t seen it happen since the latest update).

When your trees disappear, the very first thing you should check is that your data is in fact turned on in the General Options.

The next thing to do if it is on is to change to an empty Community folder. If your trees come back, you’ve got a rogue package in there.

My data was on when this happened. Still had the ground tiles loading.

They came back a couple of sessions later. :person_shrugging:

What I see in all the pictures above are the ground tiles you see when data is off.

It happened to me several times a few months ago. I got a notification I was disconnected, it told me it was turning it off, data connected a few seconds later, but FS had already turned data off without me realizing it. I had to go into the options and turn it back on to get my scenery back. I haven’t had it happen since the last update, maybe the one before?

You have to check the options. There is an FSX style set of scenery installed with the system (IOW, what you see above).

But if you checked the options, then I believe you.

the sim crashed on me the moment I wanted to load a departure airport, so it gave me the option to start again in protected mode with all community files disabled. When I did this, the autogen trees were still nowhere to be seen except in the MSFS big cities and airports. I tried Nuremberg and Dresden, and these areas were ok, but a bit darker in colour. All around them the terrain and buildings were visible but not the trees. Which config might be the culprit?