Missing Discovery Flights for Seattle, St Louis, Grand Canyon

In game status says I am at and Content Manager says I have nothing left to install

BUT - can’t find discovery flights for Seattle, St. Louis, Grand Canyon as listed in the Release Notes

Other notes say there are 41 Discovery Flights but I can only find 31 listed under Discovery Flights in game

I have over 350 flight hours now in the Sim but have never tried a Discovery Flight - what am I misunderstanding?

*Personal Comments

Some Discovery Flights require a specific stock Asobo plane be installed.

How do I discover what stock Asobo plane might be required if the Discovery Flight is not installed? I have not removed any Asobo aircraft from my Deluxe installation.

I finally discovered that World Update VIII, IX, X had not been installed on my system . My Content Manager said I had NO Uninstalled Updates but when I went into Market Place it showed the three World Updates were available and not installed. I do not understand but am now downloading and installing the World Updates.