I like flying mainly from grass airstrips.
Since latest update,
Every time I start a flight from a grass strip there are at least 3-4 tiles of grass missing,
I taxi around in a circle and the grass suddenly appears.
Any ideas
I always start by cleaning cache, but still happens.
Everything else is OK.
This has been a bug for quite a while, it affects not only grass but generally just ground textures at alot of airports. Spinning the “external camera” seems to fix it. The bug happens when you move the drone camera away from the users aircraft, and when you return the camera to the reset position, it often doesnt “load” the LOD fully around the plane it seems. Results in tiling grass with parts missing.
Grass as it should be. After moving the drone cam and coming back to external view, same tiles as OP.Would like this to be finally looked at by asobo…
Could you kindly give the location of the airport where you took those screenshots?
This is taken at a simple scenery i made for myself at a small grass field near Aarhus, but this can happen everywhere in my experience. I can take some more screenshots at another place more testable for a team to look at if needed
Thank you, yes, that would be great. Whenever reporting bugs, it is always best to report them with no addons at all, and that includes things that might not even be at that location. There is a certain addon from a well-known developer that creates terrain spikes, so it is always best to report and give examples that don’t involve addons.
I think i found a way to narrow down this issue; i tried reproducing it at a few random airports in the US, could not reproduce. I remembered i mostly fly in the northern part of europe and that’s where i see it the most - i picked an airport (CKA8) at the about the same latitude as where i would usually fly in europe and i immediately could reproduce the issue. This is with a clear community folder