Hi People,
I have come across this issue on two flights I just tried with two different aircraft, both default Asobo.
First of all when imported the flightplan it looked okay on the map, it correctly picked up the approach selected in LittleNavMap.
Now in the sim the G1000 does not show the flightplan on the map, however the waypoints are there in the FPL page (can be seen just underneath the DIRECT TO page). If I do NAV the airplane won’t budget and I guess due of some issue there as the path isn’t shown on the map, not even if I press V to open the default map when spawning at the departure airport before even playing around with the GPS as from screenshots.
If I try to go in the FPL and do a DIRECT TO it won’t even let me, in the other instance it gave me threw me some error for some reason.
I do not have any third party navdata so it is sim default, only GPS related addon is the GNS750 and WT530 (I no longer have the G1000 folder as I appreciate it is default now).
Any idea on why this is happening?
I have closed the sim for now as no point thinkering with it if there is some major issues with the navdata.
Thank you
ps. the panel is on Flightsim and works in VR and non.