Missing resolution option for my new ultra wide screen

As per title just got a big acer ultra wide and I can’t see the option for my screen’s native 3440x1440 resolution. I only see regular 16:9 resolution options. I see many other people didn’t have this issue. It’s only FS that’s giving my problems all other programs have recognized the new resolution correctly Any ideas?

I’ll pop back in the program later and see if there are any specific options, but I run at 3440x1440 and don’t remember having to do anything different, or change anything to run it that way. I’ll look around some more and see if I can find anything.
I do have that resolution set as my default in Nvidia control settings, but that set up by default on my system.

Thanks, currently digging around for a .cfg file to maybe manually force it as a workaround like in legacy FS versions

Weird, I have the same resolution.

Yup, it’s totally missing. No ultra wide resolutions listed on mine at all.

Are your display settings on Windows in order, perhaps some resolution or aspect ratio setting?

Yes, set to its native resolution. Gonna try to disable cloning to my projector (never been an issue before though). I also have scaling to 125% but that shouldn’t affect anything out of windows and prompts.

I think I figured it out, once I disabled cloning it gave me the option. Not too glad I had to do that but it works for now.

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Running that same res. on a Dell ultrawide. Didn’t do anything specific, was on the list of available resolutions.