Missing Sanibel Lighthouse

There is an historic lighthouse at the far eastern end of Sanibel Island, FL. In the sim the house next to it is there, but the lighthouse itself is missing. I was wondering if someone could make it as an addon to the sim?

Are you serious?

Yes, why not? I’m not a modder, and have barely looked at the SDK, but implementing a single building doesn’t sound too hard for someone with experience of the tools.

I’m assuming you can import any model, or even make your own, if you can present it in the right format. Someone made a Godzilla mod, if you remember, so a lighthouse doesn’t seem such an outrageous request. :slight_smile:

If you look at Bing Maps (which MSFS uses) that lighthouse isn’t too visible and almost looks like a radio tower with casting shadows.

Actually, it appears to be nestled between those two square buildings on the far right, just North of them. It’s not surrounded by trees at all.

Looks like it was designed by Gaudi

Those images are from Google. Funnily enough, it too suffers from the thing that people have complained about seeing in the sim, that melted look. It is far worse in Bing Maps though, and the tower is only presented as shadows on the ground.

Bing street level view:

It looks melted because all these Cloud-based services operate on the same principles - that rendering can either occur off-board at the end-point (your PC) or it renders it in real time while streaming the information to your PC while you’re viewing it. Google 3D will do the latter, you can tell that especially if you use their built-in Flight Simulator.

Recreating this tower would require a hand-built Polygon. Perhaps ORBX will do this eventually as they did for the entire state of FL in their TrueEarth module.

It seems a long shot, but it may be updated in the next MS Scenery push? I say a long shot because if Japan was any measure, Asobo may have just compiled a short list of gaps in the region scenery.

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How about you make it. :slight_smile:

Only if we can fly through the doughnut. :wink:

I did submit it to Zendesk anyway awhile ago.

Every light house I’ve seen on Lake Michigan is usually just a tall building in its place. Unfortunately not something the AI picked up on.