Missing World Hub Airports after AAU3 Update

I had spent some time fixing the parking at CYYT and it was fine on the last update. Now on today’s update CYYT is back to before the last World Hub update. Parking back on the De-icing apron. In fact some of the old and correct packing spots have disappeared all together. Not sure if this has happened to any of the other World Hub airports that were on the list as updated in the last update, but maybe if airports are all messed up it might be causing the CTD with the Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 2300 rev.1. Just grasping at straws.


That would be troubling. There was at least one other instance of an update rolling back World Hub changes. I don’t recall if a root cause was ever communicated, but it was fixed in a subsequent update. It was completely undocumented, too.

What did this update fix?

It’s the release of AAU3.



Parking spots mostly. There is now again parking on the de-icing apron I had removed them and fixed some others. I also tried to rename 11/29 to the correct 10/28 but wasn’t able to figure that one out as when compiled both would show up in the world map.

They’ve deleted all world hub airports. I hope it happened by accident, not intentional. Asobo, please give us back our world hub airports


All I can say to that is Wow.

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Their git merge process must be hell

Or maybe they’re not even using source control and have Merge Days :grin:


After today’s update most of the people talking about game’s crushing, but no one speak about World Hub airports. And they’re all gone btw. I hope it was by some kind of mistake… Please tell us, is it going to be fixed or not? When?

At least, Asobo, please acknowledge that the problem is there and it’s exist.

This is being looked into. :+1:


7 posts were split to a new topic: Release version for AAU3?

Can confirm. I checked three airports I did during the months of the World Hub Alpha and all three have reverted. Not a good situation. I hope they will be back soon!


Curious if the WH airports return after today’s AIRAC/CTD patch? Can someone check?

They didn’t mention it in the announcement so I’m skeptical.

I’ll ask about this again after the SDK Stream.

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Just did the latest update. CYYT is back to the World Hub version. So hopefully other World Hub updates are back as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good first report. I think this same exact thing happened last time. There’s some weird scenario with WH airports disappearing and then re-appearing. It might even have been tied to AIRAC last time, too.

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a World Hub Airport?
I just did a flight from EDDM (the second largest German hub), and all was fine…

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The World Hub is a program used to edit and fix some of the issues with default MSFS airports.
Those airports that were fixed are known as World Hub Airports.


After AAU3 Update, it tells me World Update XVIII (Germany…) and other topics (Discovery flights, some UK Airports…) no longer installed! nearly 30Gb to re-download?

I have checked several airports I did during the World Hub Alpha. All of them are the updated airports, so it seems like the World Hub airports are now back in MSFS!!