Mission editor for freeflight

I’m really excited about the career mode, but I would love to be able to create missions for the free flight mode, similar to how it’s done in games like Arma, DCS, and others. Why not create a mission with the rescue helicopter for an emergency at the house of the annoying in-laws?

I like your idea but lets wait and see how good the missions really are in 2024.
The reason I am assuming developers do not like providing a mission editor is because it may take revenue away from third party developers who may like to create missions themselves!
What would be nice is for the sim career mode to be FAA or CAA certificated for logging instrument time so student pilots can practice.

The exact same reason why the World Hub is a pale shadow compared to its X-Plane counterpart. At least there you can use all default assets in your creations. The MSFS one is badly hobbled, with many objects not able to be placed.

The emphasis was on revenue protection, not making it easy to effectively crowd source the fixing of auto-generated airstrips to a degree of fidelity where you would be happy not to pay £10 for an MP one.

DSC and Arma 3 show the opposite in my opinion. Good missions/campaigns can also be placed in the marketplace as payware, although some of them were created with such a tool.

I think your FAA suggestion is just a dream, which I share.

I have no idea what it’s like in the USA, but in Germany the certification wouldn’t be ready until 2030 due to bureaucracy, regardless of whether the SIM can do it or not.

Let’s wait and see world hub was never really released for the public.

I think it was always just an closed alpha/beta.

We’ll see what happens here with the new sim.