Mobile/Android version of MSFS 2020?


I remember reading somewhere on these forums that there was a mobile/iPhone/Android version of MSFS 2020 out there.

Now, being the curious type, (and a card-carrying masochist!), I decided to go to Google Play and look for it.

Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found.

So, am I loosing my grip, or does it exist somewhere?

You can play it through Xbox Cloud Gaming on a mobile device.


All I would say on the cloud front is, be wary. For me personally, when I was curious to see what it was like, it messed up all my PC version settings.

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Did the Microsoft game site listed above screw your PC settings up?

Does it require an additional license?

I think you have to have Game Pass Ultimate.

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. . . .which is an additional cost item.

It’s a subscription, right?

Yep, I ended up with the white dot of doom as well gaining screen hints that I couldn’t get rid of. Thankfully, a SU seemed to have made things right.

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Yeah, £10.99 a month in the UK, I’m not sure about elsewhere. Only worth it if you play other titles.


Sounds like an “I think I’m going to skip that one” candidate for sure!

Gamepass is something I don’t need as there is only ONE PC “game” I play and that’s MSFS.

I have two Android games:

  • Cut the rope (1 and 2), gotta love that OmNom!
  • Classic Minesweeper.  All I need now is the Win-95 start-up music to make it complete!

That’s it.

My kid brother lives on his console, and my granddaughters must have “Platinum Perks” on Steam for all the stuff they do.

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Pretty much the same for me, though I do dabble in a bit of console, mainly shooters to avoid the hackers. Me personally, I just couldn’t sim on a phone, I’d miss all my peripherals. I can certainly see the attraction though, the amount of times I’ve been in the back of a conference hall having my soul stolen when I could have been doing barrel roles round London. :innocent:


I used to stream X-Plan 11 on from my PC through Steam. This was also to another PC and not a mobile device.

I don’t have MSFS on steam so I cant comment on how it would work. There is some PC game streaming software out there but I have not messed with it.

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