not sure where to post this but, I import a lot of AI planes for traffic, which works ok, but the wheels are sometimes sunk in the ground or floating above the ground.
so when I want to adjust the model I make sure I can select it in the menu, and start at a gate, go outside and then adjust. but the the strange thing is that the model when selected by me is usually ok, but when it acts as AI it floats or is sunken… any idea what this can be?
there are any number of issues with parked AI aircraft. The one you mention is a problem I have with one payware item in particular. But the bigger problem is that there is no way to edit them, other than eliminating parked AI or AI aircraft entirely.
But there are other issues too - such as the ‘blanked out registration’ or the missing cockpit or cabin window glass, or the ‘pancaking’ parked planes that flop to the ground and then pop back up again repeatedly as you taxi near them…
Then there is the FSX holdover problem of being able to select an already occupied parking spot - then spawning in the middle of an AI plane, tanker truck, or structure.
There really needs to be a way to exclude those parking spaces from the selection process…to state the obvious.
Better yet would be if we could see the airport we are about to select for departure WITH the AI parked aircraft VISIBLE on it - so we could be able to select an open space ourselves
What airport ? This could be a Bing or cache issue as well, with the airport itself. Some freeware airports are not defined Agl (at Ground Level) and when Bing decides to change elevation of the ground surface, your aircraft could be rendered above or below the runway. Your starting point and altitude are stored somewhere else, so when cached data is off, you get the same issue. Aircraft will start and take off, it is only the rendering display that goes wrong.
it’s actually on all airports a hit and miss. I use faib,fspxai,tfs AI models but it just not correct, wheels sinking or floating. Just found that loading such a aircraft to check and test the plane will reset to ground level. FLytampa is doing very well in my test related to AI.
Did you convert those aircraft yourself ? I’m not sure, but if these are 3th party (free?) aircraft, there could be some elevation offset in the .cfg configs for that aircraft ? Some flag that should be added to keep it initially at ground level…
yes but how can you check this without loading every time the sim. Also what I do is to inspect the model I make it possible to select it in the aircraft menu. but then it’s a different height? Maybe placebo, and why are they jumping so much when taxiing?
thats what i did,make it selectable as user then in showcase all load up it sit nicely on the ground, but the same model acting as AI is different ( floating or sunken…)
I know that. If the player model and the AI model are using the same flight_model file than things can be weird. You can “copy” the aircraft folder and use the copy for the AI. At this point it has it’s own cfg.
pffff it maybe sounds complicated but that would not make any sense because then I would still need to load the sim every time I make a change or am I missing something?