More 747 and 787 at airports? Found a 'trick'

While I’m waiting for a new SSD and SU12, I was fiddling with some files in the map OneStore.
There is a CSV file Official\OneStore\fs-base-ai-traffic\scenery\world\traffic wich attracted my attention.
fs10.AircraftTypes. By opening and changing the necessary minRwyLen (ft) to 9500 it suddenly gives you 747’s at airports with shorter runways.
Also adding this rule (I took the same numbers of the 747): “B787 Boeing 787-10 Asobo 505 280 400 1000 5394 9500 HARD 33 GATE | RAMP 100 yes no” will make the 787 an AI-aircraft.
(Alas there is no aircraft.cfg for the A310, so I can’t add it to the file to test.)
I like to hear more suggestions by adding more aircraft to this file, other then “isAirTraffic = 1 ; Is the plane usable for air traffic” in the aircraft.cfg.
It works also flawlessly with FSLTL in the MSFS Live Traffic mode. Ground Aircraft Density = 10.

I started actually with the plan to ‘reduce’ the package Static VFR by LVFR with only the business-jets and private planes by removing the airliners. Not really a succes, lots of ‘pink textures’ … Maybe some suggestions here?

Tested at the LVFR SCEL and here are some results.

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