More 'Fast movers'

I have been seeing ‘Fast movers’ on VFR Map quite often lately.

I see one and it’s gone off screen before I can get a visual. In VR, HTC Vive Pro 2.

Just now, taxiing to Parking at Wolverhampton/Ha’penny Green looking westward, I see one flash across the sky.
South to North.
White, like a ‘shooting star’.

Is this a software problem? Or is it what EGBB BHX radar is seeing?

UAPs maybe?.

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Moved to User Support Hub ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs that is more appropriate for community support.

Fast movers? Do you mean where users streak across the sky at high alt and lightining fast speeds? This usually means that user has increased their sim rate and cutting journey time to a fraction of its regular length. Or its someone in a Darkstar at 250Kft @ Mach 10. Or someone who has lost server connection, sim bug/error of somekind.

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I have a theory / explanation.
I am using ‘Live traffic’.
When the system detects a Live traffic flight, it doesn’t create the image for it at it’s true live coordinates. It generates the image at coordinates 0.0, 0.0 and quickly moves the image to the ‘Live traffic’ coordinates.

I am at -1.4 degs longtitude, so ‘Live traffic’ that is detected at Manchester flashes past me from 0,0, 0.0 to MAN Ringway. Appearing Northerly.

Is this something for the In-House dev team, or can we live with it?

Anyone else see these?