More Northern European faces in career mode


When creating a new avatar in MSFS 2024, most of the faces seems to have heritage from either African, East-Asian or Southern European/American countries. Why do we only have a couple elderly option for Northern European males? The whitest - dare I say - faces there, looks like they have spent the entire summer holiday in the sun in a holiday resort in Spain.

Would it be possible to add more faces for Northern European/American faces as well - not just in skin tone, but also in general face characteristics?


I actually also miss a “more fat” version of myself than those “skinny dudes”.
I know, pilots might not be “voluptuous” :smiley: but that’s how I look, and it would feel more realistic for a few others I guess.


An older â– â– â– â–  with white hairs - like me - would be nice either.

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