More Physics, More Real Winds

@AdherentToast91, as requested, just tested at FL300 and M.70.

557000lbs +4°, 61.5%, FF 3.3
457000lbs +2°, 57.5%, FF 2.9


Be aware that at some point you will become thrust limited, thrust and therefore fuel flow will not change with changing weight as it is already EGT limited. The cruise speed / Mach should still change with changing weights of course. So don’t choose a cruising altitude above what the aircraft is capable of for the current weight and planned cruise speed.


Sorry to be the cynic, but can’t help but feel some people are getting seriously trolled here🤔


I take my flying and my simulators very seriously, Sorry that my simple questions seem to be so confusing to you, and your feeling and perception should change, because we create reality with our own beliefs, feelings and thoughts… Wait for my next video examples if you find it hard to land the plane as I land it in the video, that is how serious I take my simulators and investments.

Thank you for clearing up the topic.

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You are creating just your own specific reality with believing, feeling and thinking and hence you are making false claims about the aerodynamics of MSFS and its realism/reality.
If you would have done just a few tests you would have found out that you are wrong.


I am already doing the test, and soon I will post and show you the new video.
Thank you.

Why do you need to make a video? Simply post the numbers like I did.

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Because, when you see it in live and proper examples, you understand the difference between the test you preformed.

If you perform the test at identical conditions (ISA) there will be no difference since we are using the identical sim.
There can’t be any difference.

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I agree, but after I post you watch the difference within the same identical conditions (ISA).

Looking forward to see what you did wrong…


Just a thought, do you have unlimited fuel selected ON or something?

Otherwise I see differences in performance with different weights just like anybody else so no idea why it supposedly doesn’t work for you.


No I use the modern most realist flight model with all functions turned on and enabled. That way everything will work like it supposed to work.

Great. In this case you will see a significant difference.

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I wouldn’t expect a video any time soon, I feel.

is that ironic ?

well i’m not too sure about everything but i’ve had a bit of time to dig the flight moodel by myself. For example on xplane you need to create an accurate representation of an airfoil which is a portion of the wing, in msfs i’m not too sure how that work, either it uses the general options you setup under the aerodynamics tab, which isn’t good because a lot of plane don’t only have one airfoil. Maybe it’s using properties you set on a table to create the wingfoil, but i’m not 100% sure of that. In the end it still uses the geometry for most of the flight model but i don’t know how much and if it includes the wings

msfs does use the 3d model to create the flight model

it’s not. Flaps, neither in msfs or xplane are modelled based of 3d model (not too sure about xplane tho but that’s what i remember from planemaker).